Simon, Phill, thanks for the tips. I can't deny that, with a bit of chemical wizardry, the fact I could have a pristine model hiding under that atrocity has sent a small fizz down to the trouser department. I will get on to my buddy first thing to see if he remembers what sort of paint it was.
I guess the key is understanding the layers involved. Heljan put their layer on, Tower weathered it with their layer and Monet has put his on. I guess it's fairly easy to ascertain what Heljan used, but is this the same for Tower; do they have a common weathering paint type/technique/method?
Phill, there doesn't appear to be any physical 'damage' at all (I'm not counting the affect on the value...). It's in pretty good shape. You can tell it's been run as the wheels have that tell-tale oily mark from the rails.
I will have to reapply the transfers, builder's plate, wipers, probably the glazing too. The roof has a really thick layer of paint for some reason. I haven't tested it on my rolling road yet so I'll do that at some point and check all the electricals are working, including the lights. I haven't taken the body off yet - does this have a DCC socket? Something with sound would be special.
I'll let you know what happens with the phone call. By the way, have you seen the price the ScotRail has got to so far? Amazing! I had no idea. No bids on the N7 yet so this could all be hypothetical jib jab.