I don't think I've mentioned this before but Vischkaai is due to make an appearance at Larkrail this year. Last week I checked with Simon that he was ok with its incompleteness, he replied with a reassuring 'that's fine it's not that sort of show'. Good job really as it would need what military historians would call a 'big push' to get it anywhere near; at best I can manage a gentle nudge. In that vein I can report that the waterside cafe had had glazing applied, some extra painting undertaken to tone things down and is now firmly attached to the yard.
Whilst the brushes were out some of the rolling stock was also within range and a start made on the weathering. First up the brutish Henschel
I've used a couple of images as inspiration firstly
this shot of the real loco taken, I think, in Germany. I've also taken note of this image from the docks at Ghent of a
Renault shunter. My log term aim is to be able to operate the layout using specific Belgian prototypes; I have drawings of the Renault but it'll be some time before I have time to make a start so till then the Henschel will have to stand in.
Wagons have started to exhibit signs of age and the elements too. A start has been made on one of my Liliput fish vans.
Again reference has been made to
the real thing seen here from the Flickr site of Pim Van Gestel. Still to do are the bits and bobs under the solebar.
Finally a further victim in the shape of a Piko NMBS/SNCB van in green livery.
Again the real thing. Actually the eagle eyed will notice that the Piko van is a bit of an imposter dragged up as a genuine Belgian van where its origins lie elsewhere. However time and money dictate the use of the not too terrible stand in. I realise that this isn't a very Thunderish stance to take but I'm interested in how an impressionist take on the subject of layout building will work so I don't mind stuff being incorrect as long as it doesn't howl out about it. If I was a Belgian building this layout in Belgium for a Belgian audience I might take a different line, ..... but I'm not and I'm not.