Over the last month I have become most interested in Belgian paving. It's different to what we're used to in the UK and though there seem to be many variations there are some common factors in the size of the blocks, roughly around 30cm square and that they're usually (but not always) laid in rows at 90 degrees to the road and building line.
They generally present a smoother appearance than the road surface so fabricating another stamp and embossing in Das clay was out. Cutting out individual squares was quickly ruled out as the test piece took ages and I struggled to maintain regular spacing. So I came up with the following. I drew out on the computer a grid of 3.5mm squares and added a few rows of kerb stones which I printed out on thin white card.
I also took a tracing from the layout of the areas to be paved and drew them out on the pc adding some blue guide lines to try and keep the paving in line. I glued this to some grey board .75mm thick and left it under weight for a couple of days.
Needles to say it still had a tendency to curl up. On top of this I first glued down the kerbs cut from the first print out, floowed by strips of the paving which I cut back to the building line as I progressed along.
I stuck the strips down with dilute pva and then trimmed to length.
As I progressed I notched each slab join on the row before sticking down the next one.
The state of play so far is a complete first section of paving cut out and ready to paint before I apply it to the layout. It is disappointingly curly but it remains flexible enough to stick down and weight flat so I have every hope of success.