Ok casing fronts....are you paying attention ALCAZAR ?
I'll start with the 1:1 and some crops of photos off the web, as usual copyright remains with the authors and are for indicative purposes only.
First up 60008 at Grantham
This is a pretty much standard front layout for fixings except the item circled, some locos have this fixing missing on both sides of the buffer casing sheets, not also double row of rivets joining the buffer casing to the nose casing behind the lamp, most locos have only one row.
Next 60015 at Kings Cross
Like above the buffer casing fastening is missing and virtually no fixings between buffer and nose casing behind the lamp, also she has two rows of three rivets on the lower door, I do not know what these are for yet, but 60014 did not have them in 1960 but did in 1961 so they may be a modification or swapping of doors between locos at works etc.
Now 60017 at Grantham
Again the three fixings on the lower door, missing buffer casing fixing and only one or two visible between the buffer and nose casing behind the lamps, historically this loco has only had one row of fixings here. I think at the last works visit they have used some flush fitting ones, as I have photos that show a full visible row on other dates. Note also a rather large patch on the upper nose casing, it looks like there maybe one on the other side too, I've seen a couple of locos like this but haven't had time to detail the whole class yet for these changes.
Here's 60034 at York
Double row of fixings between buffer casing and nose casing and on the lower door we have two rows of two fixings. Note also the top hinge has an extra two fixings over the standard 2x2 fixings for the hinges, not sure why this is but the answer may be in the photo below.
Finally 2509 as built
Very few fixings here, the four at the top outside are missing and there is only one row below down by the buffer beams. Of interest is the top lamp iron, it is mounted much higher and with two bolts, these could be the remnant fixings seen on 60034 above.
There will almost certainly be other differences through the years, some locos were camera shy and finding good quality images is difficult.
Ok the Hachette kit
A general view showing the fixing arrangements on the kit, I've also highlighted some areas that need attention, there's a mould line up there and the photo shadow shows quite clearly the over deep panel lines, the nose doors you could probably get away with but in reality, still a little too harsh for what should be fairly flush fitting doors.
The other side, there's a nick in the nose both sides that needs taking out, luckily it's not a depression but raised areas each side so you can smooth them back and retain the shape, as I've already done on the drivers side. The upper area has large flats which all need to be rounded off and smoothed in, both sides.
Main casing, this has a mould line along the shoulder, it's easy enough to smooth off but care needed in the firebox area to retain the rather nice castings, I need to check these details as I've a niggle they may be different on some locos.
Finally an overall view of the 'Plant' (maybe I should model Doncaster works
), I must get back to the A3 this weekend, I've a list of jobs I wish to accomplish before the weekend is over, the cylinder casings were so offensive they had to come off, so new casings, new splasher rears and whole new inner frames to cover those awful half etch trenches for the frame cut outs not used. Then I can add the new detailed stretchers and dummy cast horn guides and begin to 'busy up' the visual area between the frames.
Finally, I noted earlier that A4 cabs were not full V fronts, that was incorrect, they are, the safety valve cover has a V front, what concerns me know is where that photo that showed a flat front is and on which loco, or, more worryingly, I'm going slightly mad