Mickoo's American Modelling Empire

richard carr

Western Thunderer
Hi Jason

That link for the Winchester meet is blocked by my antivirus software, has their site been hijacked ?



Western Thunderer
I'm with you Richard, the others are lucky, what antivirus s/w are you using?

I use Bullguard and it doesn't like the standard link being changed to another address, it assumes it could be spam or whatever. Chances are if you read the whole error page there will be a clue how you can get around the problem.

The organiser Alan Marlow knows about it and ...? I'll nag him again. I also mentioned there were no Nth Am std gauge O-scale pics, but he has some pics of David George's Arcadia, Pennsylvania layout, that's coming.
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richard carr

Western Thunderer

I use Bullgaurd too, it does say that if you copy the URL and paste it into a window then it will work and it does.



Western Thunderer
Good, but.... Don't know why Alan hasn't fixed it, something to do with https: and it'll be me who has to try and explain it all. Oh ... there already.

Anyway, InterMountain email today has O-scale 33" pointed axle wheels back in stock and I'll call them Monday to see if they've still got my order on file.

Oh wrong thread I expect, I'll be told off again


Western Thunderer
Finally Covid free

Better yet, the workshop is finally finished and the landscaper booked for early July to finish off all the ground works.

Time for a special beer





Western Thunderer
Mk II GP9 chassis etches turned up today :thumbs:

That's work plan tomorrow sorted then :cool:


I didn't realize until the artwork was in that I hadn't etched the holes in the frame gussets for pipe runs, they're on MK III which is a more polished commercial package so I'll drill them out on this one. I'm not envisaging many revisions from the Mk II to Mk III, but you just never know ;)

Chris Veitch

Western Thunderer
I do have a CF7 project folder, I worked up a 3D cab front and nose module on the old hobby printer, I've not tried it on the Form though.

View attachment 163959
I know the Form is supposed to be good, but the output from the “old hobby printer” doesn’t look too shabby either. What is it? (Whatever it is, it makes my attempts to get something decent out of my Mars look pretty poor).


Western Thunderer
It was an old basic Epax model, cheap as chips but punched well above it's weight, no longer available and surpassed by newer and better models.

The Form 3 wins in reliability and not having to mess around with all the parameters in the slicer for lift speeds and exposures, but that's where it's winning streak ends I'm afraid.

It cost a fortune in resin and I've never got good surface quality out of mine, some people swear they have but if you look close at their models they're not that smooth, no where near as smooth as the Epax was, certainly not when the Form cost nearly seven times as much.

A lot of the Form community hate the surface finish and lament the passing of the Form2 which was light years ahead in surface quality, it's better if you're modeling dental or dwarfs and elfs but large flat areas suffer badly, mostly due to the FEP sagging under the weight of resin and being dragged across the rollers (that don't roll :rant:) by the laser print head, which then scratches the FEP, just a :shit: design flaw.

Every fourth or fifth print I have to take the tank out and clean all the crap off the bottom of the FEP to get decent prints.

Having said all that, when I say decent I'm talking perfection, you expect some surface work to do on cheaper machines but not on a £4K machine.

Luckily I've just managed to secure one of the new Saturn 2 8K machines this afternoon in what I suppose is called a fire sale, 1000 units at early bird prices make it a viable cost option. They were all gone in under five minutes.

We'll see what happens with that when it turns up, the print quality is supposed to be right up there, the down side is now having to go back fighting shitty slicer software and working out new settings.

I'll run both side by side as the Form is rather good for small detail parts like axle boxes and springs, horn guides, anything without large flat surfaces really.


Western Thunderer
Another quick visit to the Red Caboose GP-9 replacement chassis, Mk II is now complete, one or two errors, all home grown and some tweaks to fine tune the art work to the etch process. Mk III will go off during the week and hopefully that'll be the final rendition.

It achieves what it set out to achieve, namely more space for a bigger speaker, platform to mount DCC gubbins and low drive line to pass fully under the cab floor. The stock RC drive line is about 3 scale feet above the cab floor.

I've had to make up my own 3D truck to accommodate the lowered drive line and those are just about signed off, next step is to test run it and see how the printed gears stand up, they won't run a million miles but well lubricated would certainly last me out and my ad-hoc limited running. If the gear train all runs smoothly then I can either opt to print the gears in a nylon based material or buy in pre-made nylon ones, though these tend to have much wider hubs so they would need trimming down in the lathe to fit inside this power brick.

I've not added the sides to the drive train on the trucks, it's a simple test build to make sure everything fits where it should.

The test speaker I have fits fine but there is room for a bigger one, I've not added fixings for speakers as there are so many variants, once I've decided on my final one I'll make a small adapter plate that fits onto the middle securing plate. Having said that, I may extend the center fixing plate to accommodate the longest practical Tangband that'll go in the space.

The motor has a new 3D printed bed plate that nestles down in the depressed fish belly side frames, a piece of foam on the underside of the middle securing plate holds the motor firmly in place. The bed plate is designed to fit the stock Roco/Atlas motor.

The cab front wall is just catching the front truck retention screw so that'll need trimming a little, then the cab will sit flush.

Ride height looks good but fitting a Kaydee in there and testing on some track will prove that for sure.











Western Thunderer
Finally Covid free

Better yet, the workshop is finally finished and the landscaper booked for early July to finish off all the ground works.

Time for a special beer

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View attachment 163228
Mick, I missed this post completely. Congratulations on overcoming the CoVid but also on the workshop, it looks very good. I would raise a glass of Spitfire but my Kentish Maid wife has drunk them all. Personally I would prefer a glass of Mosquito (twice the engine power). But it would never be a very good brand name!
