Liver & Fry's workbench

HR loco coal wagons

Liver & Fry

Western Thunderer
I always feel the photos I take of the inside of wagons don't necessarily show the subtlety of tones I'm seeing with my own eyes, but here goes anyway...


I've tried to work in some black alongside my usual layers, particularly in the corners, given coal dust gets everywhere!

I have a sheet of Scottish region HMRS transfers that I believe have the appropriate "LOCO COAL" lettering on the sheet, but I need to look again to see what numbers are available or if I need to source an alternative. I need four sets as the ends of the wagons were also numbered on the third plank down.

- James


Western Thunderer
The Jones sheep van prints look impressive. …… This crop from a Kyle of Lochalsh photo shows a pair of them with the doors open so the vertical rods are visible.
Just acquired a s/h book today and discovered the source of this crop.
What a wonderful selection of early images of Scottish railway scenes with a good selection of rolling stock shown - highly recommended.

Just acquired a s/h book today and discovered the source of this crop.
What a wonderful selection of early images of Scottish railway scenes with a good selection of rolling stock shown - highly recommended.

View attachment 217829
The George Washington Wilson collection is kept by Aberdeen University and his photographs are very easily, freely accessible on their website. A surefire way to pass an hour or two.

Liver & Fry

Western Thunderer
It would seem that there is only enough on one of the HMRS sheets to do a single wagon, so I've ordered another. I may do the first in the meantime, or do them both together. We'll see what mood takes me as the week goes on!

- James
HR loco coal wagons

Liver & Fry

Western Thunderer
The HMRS transfers arrived in the post today so I was able to finish No.2769:


This gives me a pair of completed loco coal wagons and adds to a total of 10 wagons built so far this year!


There's going to be a short pause for a few weeks as I'm about to start night shift 3 of 6 and then next week I'm off to Silverstone, followed by a wedding, so modelling will have to take a back seat briefly.

- James
HR Jones Dia.25 Brake Van

Liver & Fry

Western Thunderer
I had a pleasant surprise this week!

I have long believed that a Jones era brake van was not currently available in 4mm. However, I recently stumbled across 'Walsworth Models', who mostly seem to deal in 7mm, but, something caught my eye - "4mm scale HR 6 wheel Dia 25 Goods Brake van kit available now"

An email enquiry later and I was asked to provide delivery details. I sent these on Tuesday morning and the kit arrived in the post yesterday! Outstandingly efficient service (no, I'm not affiliated, but I will give praise where it's due!).

What you get is a rather heavy box of bits and a thick instruction booklet:


I call that a win!

- James

Liver & Fry

Western Thunderer
Houston we have a problem...


Apologies but this thread will be quiet for a while (I'm told up to 12 weeks). I'll still be about, but er... Modelling won't be the easiest of tasks!

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible, but in the meantime, happy modelling everyone!

- James