Hartley Hill The Other Side Of The Fence

john lewsey

Western Thunderer
image.jpg hmmm it's actually starting to look like a GWR clearstory coach
It's back to the bogies now .After speaking to Heather it looks like I'm going to have to order an air brush (and paint);)

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
John, you might want to consider the communication cord telltale gear from CPL. The bits Slater's provide are okay, but a bit basic.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
You are putting my Slaters Midland Clayton to shame - I will need to revisit it to get joints as invisible as yours.:thumbs::'(:'(

john lewsey

Western Thunderer
Thank you rob very nice of you but to be honest I have a bit I have a bit of a thing about posting pictures on wt it's only because Graham keeps pushing me that I put them on ;)

john lewsey

Western Thunderer
Thank you so much but if you want to see what I'm aiming for have a look at wentlocks blog on RM web it should be on page six it's a lovely model of a third class GWR clearstory coach if I get close to that I'll be pretty pleased with myself ;)

john lewsey

Western Thunderer
image.jpg this is how I got the roof flat it had a bit of a dip which I had to fill and then gently file away at it and some wet and dry ;)