Designing For Laser Cutting


After a rather tedious day drawing up a steel structure I thought a little messy fun was in order

first up and in contrast to Cookies wagon, little salt and hairspray for some worn paintwork. the effect is very subtle and suitable for an worn/usedinterior rather than exterior woodwork with peeling paint


Secondly some more brickwork. I'm pretty happy with the way this is turning out and I can get some nice variation in colours


Western Thunderer
I hate to rain on your parade again, but observation of real balusters shows a very different shape to the newell post that your posting illustrates. A typical baluster has this shape:
Cheers, Dave


Im hoping the middle section will be about right when it is chopped out. I could make or print a master, but its just going to add more time. The build has stalled, and getting this sorted will kick start it again - I need the shelf space back :))


Something I am working for Mr Ploffy - Tortoise motor covers. We are in the testing phase at the moment but I thought they might be of interest, as they could be used indoor to protect the units under a baseboard.

Ians units will be in perspex and glued to form a water resistant unit, these prototypes are mdf
The concept is dead simple, a pre drilled mounting plate with a cover, these are destined to sit above the board so the cover fits over the mounting plate so the water drains to the surrounding areaIMG_5284.jpg

the view from beneath, but obviously it could be adapted to work upside down

These will need some wiring holes and grommets, plus some feet to raise them off the deck, but this piece can be hacked to test all that out


An update on my bollards :)) I looked at the posts in the local model shop and they aren't quite right, so there is some tufnol in the lathe to make a master and hopefully the Bath bodger will come to my rescue. I didn't really want to go that route, but its going to sit in the centre of the layout so I have to be happy with it. The obvious downside is the delay :(
But I have plenty to keep me busy as having presented a landscape model of the signal box to the client, I have been commissioned to build the station :) not sure what scale yet..... but I have started the full scale drawings

Im looking forward to doing this after I have finished a couple of other commissions.


After some huffing and puffing not to mention bodging,

it could be refined further, but it not bad, I may add a couple of embellishments from plastikard and once painted they should look fine. Artistic turning really isn't my forte :p


Yet more experiments, this time with plywood
In preparation for some GW signal boxes I need to get a good method for the overlapping timber, this shot shows some untreated laser cut strip glued to an offcut, the top piece was an experiment in treating before fixing in place


finally closer still, the ply looks ok without any work, but it could do with being a little more silvery



a quickie stove. Looking at photographs i was quite surprised at its relative size. I shall add some casting details and roughen the finish to represent a cast surface with some Mr Surfacer. the wall panels are inserts and will be detailed and weathered before fixing in place.
This has actually taken a bit of a life on as I had originally intended to do a quickie with the windows boarded up


Test fitting a window. They will sandwich a piece of acrylic (when my supplier actually supplies me)


Inspired by Jim S-W, I grabbed this for £2.50 from the local toyshop. Should be a challenge....


Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
That Anglia could look OK once that coat of paint is stripped.....the rear windows or the rear pillars are not quite right though ;)


It's already motorised - pull it back and the spring winds itself up ! Hopefully there is a nice casting under the paint....


I felt the stove was a tad large so I reduced it by .8 in autocad and recut it, you can see it here next to the door which is work in progress. It is made from three laminations with real glass trapped in the centre

The door is in a porch so the weathering will be confined to worn areas and scuffing


In a moment of madness I rebated the 'lock' into the door :eek: as the door will be open some representation of hinges is in order as well....



In between drawings for various projects I have been catching up with a couple of projects for thunderers.
Some track radius tools, the beauty here is that i can do any radius

I promised Graham a little mask for painting wheel backs, spray the far side with acrylic and revolve the mask

Having looked at that and the pictures in the thread I thought a representation of the rising plate on the rear of the wheel would be an idea. Just a mylar disc that slides over the axle I would imagine that it could be riveted to represent bolts.....


In 7mm I preferred material for windows is high quality card, but in 1/32 you can jyst about get away with ply. this is a scrap piece, but the reason i prefer real wood in this scale is because it offers better distressing possibilities. I'm looking for replicating something that hasn't been painted for about 10 years. the final pieces will be contain an acrylic sheet in the middle. Any thought welcome :)
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