4mm Llanfair ....

Simon H

Active Member
Agreed. It's not simply a case of filling the gaps, but painting and touching up as well. For me, the Hornby stone walls are the best around, but there is so much detail to cover at this stage that some things have to wait their turn. :)
My little 009 shunting yard layout has Hornby stone walling...I'm pretty sure I used Revell plastic filler to get rid of the gaps, though I still need to disguise the filler with paint. I quite agree about these being the best around and of course they're easily available too.


Western Thunderer
A pair of Lanarkshire Models BS14 GWR 'Short' bufferstop kits were soldered together today and put in place at Llanfair. Shortening of the station platform allowed me to extend the shed road a little. The buffer stop is a great space saver...

WEB Llanfair Rd 21B.jpg

The right hand siding track now has a buffer stop. Parcels vans and horse boxes are dealt with at this side-loading platform...
WEB Llanfair Rd 21A.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Hi Paul from Northop. It's a lovely village and I was up there two weeks ago at my grandsons. But buying a property in Northop looks difficult and so I looked at a large house in Flint. Anyway I decided to stay put seeing as I can be in Northop in 20 minutes.

Regarding the signalman's view, I moved the goods shed over to give him a reasonable view. The shed looked better at the back when the baseboards were relatively bare, but things are taking on a different aspect now, which is why I have considered reverting to the Llanfyllin layout of buildings.

Dave Holt

Western Thunderer
Not that it makes any difference, but to my eyes the Llanfyllin arrangement looks better balanced, providing that having the goods shed at the front doesn't get in the way of reaching anything (uncoupling for instance).


Western Thunderer
Not that it makes any difference, but to my eyes the Llanfyllin arrangement looks better balanced, providing that having the goods shed at the front doesn't get in the way of reaching anything (uncoupling for instance).
Hi Dave,
Having the shed back in its rightful place works now that scenery has progressed on the goods yard. Actually I decided as soon as I saw this afternoons photos what was needed to be done. New track has already replaced the goods yard track at the back of the layout. A proper unloading platform complete with cattle pens similar to those at Llanfyllin will follow. Everything makes sense now especially the weigh bridge.


Western Thunderer
With the goods shed back in the goods yard, a completely new siding was put in closer to the running track. The signalbox was moved back from the platform edge and the signalman now has a clear view down the line...
WEB Llanfair Rd 23B.jpg

Lanarkshire Models buffer stops repositioned as at Llanfyllin...
WEB Llanfair Rd 23A.jpg

Goods shed rebuilt once again! Side entrance and working sliding doors are back....
WEB Llanfair Rd 23C.jpg
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Western Thunderer
The scene has so changed with the road gritted and the slope down to baseboard level eliminated...
WEB Llanfair Rd 24A.jpg

WEB Llanfair Rd 24B.jpg

The ground behind the box is level now. The road surface will be filed down in the morning. It is all in preparation for cattle pens. The parcels van will also be positioned here for loading with Werramac wares. Buffer beam has since been painted white...
WEB Llanfair RD 24C.jpg


Western Thunderer
I think the signalman has a better view from the coffee jar(?) near the water tower?? :D:D:D

Joking aside, it's looking really good Larry, nice flowing track work and some excellent buildings and scenery.

Regards, Rob


Western Thunderer
I've been doing a little work at the buffers after grabbing a frame from a video. It shows the white painted wall and no buffers as such...

WEB Llanfair Rd 25B.jpg

The landing had to be widened and extended and grassed, although I have finished mine as if still seeing some use...
WEB Llanfair Rd 25A.jpg

Photos of the prototype show Horseboxes using this short landing.....
WEB Llanfair Rd 25C.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Minor embankment time. I sawed a length of 2" x 1" timber down its middle ot give two lats that were then nailed down to the baseboard...

WEB Llanfair Rd 27A.jpg

A strip of grass Vinyl matt was glued to the wood with Evostik Impact....
WEB Llanfair Rd 27B.jpg

Old kitchen roll was stuffed under it for padding....
WEB Llanfair Rd 27C.jpg

The other edge of the vinyl matt was then glued to the baseboard and formed to shape with a heat gun...
WEB Llanfair Rd 27D.jpg
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