
  1. Tim Hale

    Old school for older users

    Not a contentious comment, merely an admission that I am a rubbish painter and unable to progress with modern technolog. Despite both sons being excellent modellers (military,aircraft) with 3d printers etc. I plod along with the tools that my late father would have used. I gaze at Edward the...
  2. C

    Dullcote alternative for alcohol weathering?

    Some people weather rolling stock by coating it in Testors Dullcote and then, when it's dry, spraying alcohol on top. I'd like to try this, but my local shops don't stock Dullcote, and mail order is impossible where I live. Has anyone found an alternative to Dullcote for this technique, please?
  3. NHY 581

    7mm Bamfylde- Tinkering in 7mm

    Evening all. Some here may frequent the Sheep Chronicles, a thread teetering on the very brink of chaos where I waffle on in order to record the occasional progress of my modest 4mm meanderings. I've decided to dip a hoof into the murky waters of 7mm modelling. This has been prompted by the...
  4. Bob 81C

    Non Destructive weathering

    I'm trying to find a method of non destructive weathering for some limited edition wagons something along the lines of water colours, most of them are presents from the wife and daughters and they would be horrifed at me putting a colourant on them. Bob
  5. PjKing1

    7mm A new O gauge adventure

    It's been a while since I've posted anything on here but since I have I've sold most my 4mm fleet and I've jumped up to 7mm. It started with a few beers and next thing I knew I'd ordered a blue Dapol 08, nearly two months on I've got a green one and a blue Class 40, not to mention 2 Class 37's...
  6. Mr Grumpy

    Whether to Weather

    I tend to weather anything I get my hands on. Be it a brand new Heljan or a kit or something I have knocked together from lumps of styrene. I don't profess to being all that good at it, in fact I usually go a tad too far! I have tried the Martyn Welch techniques to varying degrees of success...
  7. S

    Tales from the airbrush & the scalpel - simon78s workbench

    Hi all, well as promised here is the first post with photos ;) as requested. To start with here is a O1 tyne dock conversion that I have done Also an 08 that I was asked to weather Hope you like and any comments welcome Cheers Simon
  8. Ian G

    7mm Rolling Stock for Okehampton

    As I will be building different era stock for our clubs layout 1948 - 70's and mainly freight/engineers stock. on top of my G6 & Siphon many different items of rolling stock will be built from kits or scratch built. First off is a Parkside pipe wagon, this is for the wagon challenge at the club...
  9. AJC

    4mm An EM Workbench: Scratch and Slide - return of the Dübs
    Threadmarks: SR Shock Open (scratchbuilt)

    I like building wagons and most of these are from kits - Parkside, Cambrian and the like. Nice though these are there is always scope for further variety and scratchbuilds and kitbashes - not that I build much as it falls out of the packet - provide this. The queue on the length of track that...
  10. 28ten

    Photo D1020

    1971 - Western Technicolor at Paddington by rgadsdon, on Flickr What a state :eek: Link to two missing photos added by S Cook 261015. Photo 1 Photo 2