
  1. Dog Star

    What wagons are these?

    Bob Lumley (@Silverystreaks) has a wonderful gallery of photos from the late 1980s and a fair number are of the West Highland line - right time and right place for our modelling interest. I am trying to put together a summary of wagon types which were to be seen on the line in the late 1980s -...
  2. Bob Reid

    Ghosts in the machine...

    Old family photographs have always fascinated me - this one in particular! Although the original print was badly damaged note the wagons & vans in the background - taken apparently nr Ratho [station] on the Edinburgh-Glasgow main line pre WW1. Note the fine collection of North British and...
  3. P

    7mm Parky's Workbench

    As promised a workbench thread to chart the kits I am working on since skipping a gauge and going to 0 Gauge Excuse the state of the work area, I do know which kit each part belongs to. So we have three kits here. I will cover each in turn M&M Lowmac My initial purchase to get to feel the O...
  4. oldravendale

    Prototype A Wagon Photo

    Dunno if this is of use to anyone, but it's among the current load of pics I took in Barry in 1968. Perhaps the weathering on the wagons may be helpful? Brian
  5. Scale7JB

    Lionheart Tankers.

    Hi all.. Has anyone here invested in the new very lovely looking Lionheart tank wagons? Im not sure from the description if the axles boxes are sprung or solid. If they are sprung, does it look easy enough to get the wheels out to re-profile to S7? Many thanks, JB.
  6. Lyndhurstman

    Prototype BR Wagons on Flikr

    Hello, In my pursuit of less than hirsute, I have been scouring Flikr for colour images of BR van stock. It has proven surprisingly difficult, for some reason... Anyway, I have found (and forgive me if you already know/knew of this chap - he's new to this well-worn weirdo) some very nice colour...
  7. jamiepage

    G3 LSWR Open wagon kit

    Williams Models have, in conjunction with Tony Riley, introduced a model of a LSWR round ended wagon to D1309. I'm no expert on LSWR matters, but the body represents a four plank version, the lower plank being wider than the other three. There are one or two photos in LSWR Wagons Vol 1 but I...
  8. JimG

    Rolling Stock for the Garden

    A few weeks ago at the S scale Autumn Meeting, I swapped a Mike Williams G3 wagon kit for two 1/32 scale wagon kits. The kits were a combination of underframe kits and one piece resin bodies with work being started on one of the underframes. Both kits are of a GWR two-plank wagon - not very...
  9. Rambler

    More North Eastern Wagons

    Fret 6 arrives in the Post Over the past umpteen years I've been developing wagon suspension units for (mostly) North Eastern wagons. This started as part of the development of kits for Diagram P4 hopper wagons but has acquired a life of its own - development of the P4 kits is still ongoing but...
  10. Lyndhurstman

    4mm Jan's 4mm WB: C'est un PIPE...
    Threadmarks: 13T 5 Plank Open (Unfitted) M407580

    Hello Dear Reader/Insomniac, Welcome to my virtual workbench. Please wipe your feet. Would you like a cup of tea? You are cordially invited to: leave now with your sanity intact stick around and partake in the joyous expose of ignorance, ham-fistedness and crap puns that make up the...
  11. Heather Kay

    Full Size British Railways Unfitted and Vacuum-Braked Wagons / Trevor Mann

    A bit of a mouthful as a title, but it does what it says in the hard cover. Importantly, there is a subtitle "In Colour". Published by Ian Allan in 2013, this volume begins with a historical survey of BR wagons, covering the numbering series, lots, diagrams, liveries, codes and so on. Each...
  12. AJC

    Prototype Corfe Castle, Swanage Railway

    So, last weekend, we went camping in Purbeck with friends and among the many attractions of this part of the world - and extremely handily for our campsite at Harman's Cross - was the Swanage Railway. I've always felt that it's Corfe Castle, rather than Swanage that is the principle attraction...
  13. AJC

    Prototype Old King Coal [adventures of a '60s Edinburgh Coal Yard]

    Courtesy of another place, I have become aware of this pair of short films from Edinburgh. While there's lots of interest here in terms of the wagons involved, the main point to be noted is the date: c. 1968. In the course of the first film are, in order of appearance, one end of an 8 shoe...
  14. Heather Kay

    7mm On Heather's Workbench - a reptile on my bench

    This is another personal project to fill some space on my demonstration table. I've had this Scorpio Models Crocodile G 35 ton Trolley in the stash for some years, so I thought it might make a pleasant build for a weekend. My aim is to produce a somewhat weatherbeaten example in BR service late...
  15. AJC

    Trade Rumney Models (4mm wagon parts - but also S and 7mm)

    Spotted and copied from 'over there' and from here: http://www.rumneymodels.co.uk/ "Firstly Plate wagons chassis... There are three new kits; B.08 covering BR clasp brake new builds (diagram 1/434), B.09 covering BR clasp braked retrofits (ex unfitted diagrams 1/430 & 1/431) and B.27 covering...
  16. adrian

    2mm Adrian's 2mm workbench.

    So my 2mm adventure is launched - having been very impressed with the various 2mmFS contributions on the forum I decided this was an opportunity to get a small shelf layout started - hopefully I will have some progress to report soon on Holywell Town. In the meantime I seem to remember a...
  17. S

    2mm Steve's sporadic 2mm stuff

    As a recently joined member, I though I would post a few pictures of my 2mm FS bits and pieces. These were intended for a SE&CR project and were made a while ago. The project stalled because I couldn't work out how to do the complex Wainwright locomotive livery in this scale - the fine red and...
  18. farnetti

    MMP BR 16 Ton Mineral Wagon

    I bought this during the build of the 13 ton wagon and David assured me it would be much quicker and easier to complete. I didn't find the last one particularly difficult as everything is so accurately etched. The instructions follow a very similar sequence and would be easy to fall into the...
  19. Rob Pulham

    Prototype Brake Vans - Queen Mary plus a couple of others

    We were away for the weekend and decided to finish it off with a trip to Shildon to see if the two visiting A4's were still there (which they were - photos on my Flickr site for anyone who is interested). Outside were a selection of brake vans including a Southern Queen Mary which I have only...
  20. Ian G

    7mm Rolling Stock for Okehampton

    As I will be building different era stock for our clubs layout 1948 - 70's and mainly freight/engineers stock. on top of my G6 & Siphon many different items of rolling stock will be built from kits or scratch built. First off is a Parkside pipe wagon, this is for the wagon challenge at the club...