Edge Lane Junction


Western Thunderer
Early dart from work and the mrs doing uni work (I keep out of the way) resulted in a good three hours track building. The diamond is more or less finished apart from check rails and another section of the up main is now fixed into position. I’ve also made the first two blades, I make these and the wind rails as one, I’ve found this easier over the years then I saw through once in position, I do make a cut halfway through the rail before hand though.



Western Thunderer
Well done, Paul! I do the same with switch and wing rails, using a jeweller’s blade in a piercing saw for cutting.



Western Thunderer
I really like the idea of using the junction as a focal point and you are developing it nicely.

Thanks John I’m really pleased with how it’s coming along, there’s also something I think is quite exciting that I’ve come up with to be announced shortly but that’ll be in the new year.

Thanks again



Western Thunderer
Managed to finish the trailing cross over today so that’s all points on the first board complete apart from the check rails which I started today also, once that is done I’ll start on the catch point. Here’s a link to a layout update video and the first loco movement on ELJ.


