7mm Watery Lane


Flying Squad
Those points look very good to me, I'd love another point or seven for my water feature garden line.

Just a thought, do you think your name change might have something to do with our new fangled Euro monsoon conditions?


probably acquiring webbed feet:rolleyes:


Western Thunderer
I thought you were meant to be working? Not working at shirking :oops: Anymore of this and it'll be down to Major for you :(

And what is wrong with that first coach? It looks bent :eek:


Western Thunderer
great video Ian - must have been some party going on in the Inspection Saloon if it took two locos to pull it:)):)):))




Western Thunderer
OI! Right you 'orrible lot call yourselves the Blue Brigade then get you sorry Duffs in line and await your turn! The Colonel decides who goes first and I tell the Colonel what he thinks are his ideas! Way of the military since time immemorial. S'Officers do not have original thoughts. Now then Colonel Ploffy Sir that marsa chap has been in the trenches thru fick an fin Sir so he gets a medal, tiffin AND smoked kippers, oh and first dibs on your Watery whatsit! :eek:


Western Thunderer
Has someone been putting whisky in your tea again, Marsa old chap? ;)

Oooh err I wish mate. Really, really stressy week. My aunty passed away yesterday, we had to have our oldest dog put to sleep today, I'm busy packing and trying to dismantle furniture at the same time and we move house over the next two days. Whisky would just be the start but as the French would say 'keep your chin up' cos some other w*nker will be along shortly to smack you one as well ;)