7mm Yorky D's LT - Wagonery tales from the Met.


Could be either - I spent a bit of time talking to Ken at Reading. He saw me looking at this sign from the destination panels on surface stock and promptly remarked it was not for sale!

View attachment 95573

I was checking it to see if this was on the reverse..

View attachment 95574

I like the idea of a Bo-Bo and it would either be no. 3 Sir Ralph Verney or no. 18 Michael Faraday - I'll have to check to see if 7mm nameplates are available.

Hello Dave,

I have one of these if you need any further pics, dimensions etc.


Mine is from CO/CP stock, so has little 'pegs' on the ends to allow it to flip rotate rather than drop into the guides.



Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Picked up the Omen figures bus crew figures and a lady which I thought would suit the late 60's if painted correctly.

Firstly the twins. Unfortunately there are no suitable figures for a LT bus crew so I've used these instead. I had originally intended to purchase one set but I had since acquired second red RT to accompany the country area one I'm messing about with.

....hence the twins crew members. The left have been finished with country area green bus crew uniforms and those on the right for the central area red bus uniforms. The country area uniforms were dark green with light green piping and green ties with the central area being dark blue with light blue piping and blue ties. In addition the PSV registration badges had different edging, again, green for country and red for central area crews.

RT 4751 41.jpg

Ticket machines - a bit of a cruel close up. The one on the left is as supplied and the central conductor has had his ticket machine modified to look like the standard Gibson machine. The country area conductor's machine will be modified to a Gibson. The carrying srtraps appear to be wrong compared to photographs but I have not modified these (as yet) as I'm unsure when the nylon harness (over both shoulders) type strap was introduced.RT 4751 42.jpg

And finally... my take on an André Courrèges 1960's style coat.RT 4751 43.jpg


Western Thunderer
Hi Dave,
I thought green PSV badges were for conductors and red for drivers, mainly because I had my Dad's conductor badge somewhere in a box when a kid and he had a red badge stuck to his uniform. But my memory is not a form of reliable evidence, so I looked on Google, which isn't reliable either, but this website looks pretty comprehensive. The website explains the letters on the badges which I always wondered about, with LT typically having their own letter series, thereby cementing their superiority, again!! ;)


I didn't know tram drivers had different colours either, interesting.

Sorry to be a any form of pedant as it's really annoying to be on the end of it, many apologies.

On a related topic, I saw TfL has TfL type and branded bus stops outside the London borough areas on the 375/575 route to Passingford Bridge, well into the county of Essex. So I wondered how many other TfL stops are outside the London area these days?


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Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Sorry to be a any form of pedant as it's really annoying to be on the end of it, many apologies.

Don't apologise Tony. This is a useful snippet of information as is the website.

I've often seen these badges on bus crew but never really took any notice until it's too late as usual. Anyway the error can be rectified easily.

with LT typically having their own letter series, thereby cementing their superiority, again!!

RT 4751

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
With grateful thanks for Tony's observations the bus crews are now sporting the correct PSV registration badges (red - driver, green - conductor) and the country area conductor's ticket machine now resembling something like a Gibson.

RT 4751 46.jpg
And yes I did purchase a second RT :D - to be ripped apart as the country area RT 4751 (OLD 538) - and finished as a central area RT 2528 (LYF 177).RT 4751 44.jpg

Oh no! seeing double....:eek: :)
RT 4751 45.jpg


Western Thunderer
With grateful thanks for Tony's observations the bus crews are now sporting the correct PSV registration badges (red - driver, green - conductor) and the country area conductor's ticket machine now resembling something like a Gibson.

View attachment 97094
And yes I did purchase a second RT :D - to be ripped apart as the country area RT 4751 (OLD 538) - and finished as a central area RT 2528 (LYF 177).View attachment 97092

Oh no! seeing double....:eek: :)
View attachment 97093

You wait ages for a bus and then...

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I have no knowledge of what’s available in 7mm, but would a RM be a possibility for bus no. 3?

A country area RF would be nice or even the 'modernised' Green Line version (below). One of my photos, Tring Road, Aylesbury 1977 after route 706 was abolished on 2nd April and route 708 extended from Hemel Hempstead to Aylesbury on 3rd April in that year.


Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I was looking for a colour photo of a Green Line RF among my own LT collection and here are some from the mid 70's / early 80's.

Aldenham Works open day
Z Aldenham1.jpg

Aldenham Works open day - FRM 1.
Z FRM1.jpg

Garston Garage open day - Green Line RF - this was the photo I was looking for....Z Garston 1.jpg

Garston Garage open day - RMC 4.Z Garston 2.jpg

Three of a kind... RFs - Garston Garage open day.Z Garston 3.jpg

No prizes for guessing where this one is. At least two on this forum know :). Z HH 1.jpg

Quainton Road - This was Met No.1's first outing after restoration. Both my dad and myself took a special shuttle train laid on by BR from Aylesbury to Quainton Road. Z Met 1 1.jpg

Quainton Road.Z Met 1 2.jpg

Quainton Road - the cab of the special shuttle DMU from Aylesbury can just be glimpsed on the left.Z Met 1 3.jpg

Neasden Works open day- 1938 Bakerloo Line stock. P stock to the left and 1959 stock in the background. Z Neasden 1.jpg

Sloane Square - R and C69 stock.Z Sloane Square.jpg

St Albans Garage. Z St Albans.jpg


Western Thunderer
I wonder what a red RMA is doing at St Albans? I thought that after LT bought them back they went to Romford North Street? It must be on the 84 working out of Potters Bar.


Western Thunderer
Yes, it was the Aldenham run, see this website. The RMA's never had destination blinds, see this website.

History | Routemaster Association

And here's the RMA allocations showing it was based at St Albans.


More info on their short lived life at Romford.


Original life at BEA


I wonder if we need a new section called London Thunder that talks about things with rubber tyres!! ;)

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