7mm The LNER 06 (MOK 8F) Build is No More

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Although I have been quiet I have not been idle and the 06 moves slowly on.

The last few evenings and over the weekend have been spent on the cylinders/slidebars etc.





While it has taken time to get these sorted and the instructions do lack a little in places - I only discovered the cylinder backing pieces by accident while looking for something else.... it is a very enjoyable kit to build and I am learning all the way.


Western Thunderer
I remember it well Rob, I think my build to paint took 6 months or so, with other stuff and testing in between. Richards is still in its 10 year running in period!

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
I haven't had much time recently so progress has been a bit intermittent. I have been working my way slowly through the valve gear and following Richard's example (not as nice as his efforts though). I have modified some of the bits so that they are a bit more prototypical. I am using the combination of the best bits from the kit and the premier rods.


I didn't have any scale hardware nut heads of the right size (and funds are a little tight at the moment) so I made do with just putting a piece of scrap etch in the bottom of the expansion link.

Its probably not that visible in the photo but as Richard had to move the oiler from the side to the front on his combination lever. Mine being etched didn't have any at all. But a couple of pieces from some 2mm (I think but haven't measured) brass bar have done the trick (to the naked eye at any rate).

The LMS 8f profile book finally arrived so maybe progress will be faster now:rolleyes: .

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
In between fiddling about with the valve gear I have also made up the front of the frames. At this point only the laminates of the frame extensions/lifting rings and the frames/cages that support the back of the buffers are soldered. All the rest is just held together with the slots and tabs. It really does make it easy when it all fits as it should and it is self supporting while you apply the solder.



Western Thunderer

The kit looks a joy to build, I am just waiting for them to do a 9f, then it will be top of my build list.


Hi Richard,

start saving - it's due out next year - I'm already in the queue.

I've got one of their Class 4MT 2-6-0s to do first.




Western Thunderer
Looking good, I think MOK have re-issued this kit in its revamped form?, seriously interested despite being 7mm, they show good attention to things like frame stretchers and other often hidden detail where others seem to skimp.

I have an itch to just build and with few 1:32 kits around tempt me, few 1:32 kits full stop! So to satisfy my 'build' itch I may opt for scale 7. MOK and Finney seem top choice these days.



Western Thunderer
Yes the kit was not revamped, but it is still the best 7mm scale steam loco kit I have built. I'm really looking forward to the Flying Pig.

Regards Tony


Western Thunderer
Odd, the kit was withdrawn from sale last year and I spoke to the vendor as to why and they said to revamp it, I can only presume they did not proceed with the work and just re-issued the original, not that I can see anything wrong with the original, and I did wonder what on earth could be revamped to make it better from the samples I've seen.



Western Thunderer
There were one or to minor issues where tabs are in the wrong place, and the kit comes with a whole set of updated etches in addition to the originals. Perhaps Dave Sharp decided there would be better return on his time by working on new products, rather than taking the 8f from near perfect to perfect. I think I noted anything I found in the Derby Line thread.
So - go for it! you know you want too!
Apologies for hijacking your thread Rob!

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The next project from the depths of the shelf queen cupboard is the 06.

Over the last couple of weeks in between tinkering with Papyrus and weathering cattle wagons I have remade a start on this. In an effort to get back into the thinking without having to pick my way through where on the loco I have got to at this stage, I decided to start on the tender.

So far I have made up the outer frames and the compensation beams for the inner frames.


