7mm Tedcaster Sidings - Shock horror, permanent way at last.....

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Just a thought Rob, I invited Nigel to bring 82G to our show this year and requested some photos for use in publicity on the net. Nigel provided about 20 decent shots along with permission to use.... so I can share those photos with you if you are interested.

regards, Graham
Yes please, "every little helps as the actress said to the bishop"


Seems to me that Cynric has a ready and waiting audience for some laser cut viaduct walls.
Given a drawing or sketch it wouldnt be very difficult to run up a test piece, mind you I also wonder if there would be a wider market for an LNER signal box or engine shed?

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Given a drawing or sketch it wouldnt be very difficult to run up a test piece, mind you I also wonder if there would be a wider market for an LNER signal box or engine shed?

They both definitely appeal and while I haven't got as far in my thinking/musing as a signal box, the shed is certainly one of the desirables that I have thought of.

Old Buffer

Western Thunderer
Given a drawing or sketch it wouldnt be very difficult to run up a test piece, mind you I also wonder if there would be a wider market for an LNER signal box or engine shed?
There would be the market for a single road engine shed with me, if you look at disused_stations, then Spilsby you will see the one I would need.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
.... the shed is certainly one of the desirables that I have thought of.

And on the fitter's bench, against the far end wall, lies another of Rob's famous hats.

Hold that thought... move the bench.... just in case Mr. Cook's Ruston comes for tea - there is a rumour that engine sheds need replacement doors /walls after a visit from said colossus.

Time for a possible plan ? regards, Graham

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Striking while the iron enthusiasm is hot, I called at B&Q on my way home and had them cut an 8x4 sheet of 9mm ply for the tops of my baseboards.
They do 15 cuts for free and I pass on my way home from work, so will call again next week and get them to cut the strips for the sides/cross braces - no point paying when I pass anyway:p

Next job is unload the car and see if I have calculated them right.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Just in case.... I have re-read this topic and I realise that I have failed to relocate 82G to the Rhubarb Triangle. Sorry for the delay Rob, I shall have to see what has happened to the disc. Might have been filed under M for Microsoft or then again under A for Another Ticket Another Ride.... not for any logical reason other than A is generally at the top of the pile.

Make sure that the side members are deep enough so that whatever you put underneath the top surface does not touch the ground when the boards are put down whilst you rest....

Now what about that plan you have been meaning to do and then post for us all?

regards, Graham

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Now what about that plan you have been meaning to do and then post for us all?

regards, Graham

Ah I knew there was something I should have done......

I have double checked that the boards fit and they do, so next up is the plan - just don't hold your breath:))

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Peter has drawn the baseboards for our new Club 7mm layout using Sketchup... which gives a very good impression in 3D of what is proposed - a rotatable image which one can "walk-through". He has then used the layout drawing to produce templates of each piece of plywood... and then arranged those pieces on a number of 8'x4" rectangles so we have a cutting schedule. If you go this way, remember to allow for the width of the saw blade!

BTW - also a good way of establishing that there are no obstructions for placing of sub-surface turnout motors.

regards, Graham

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Progress has started in earnest on the layout, complete with a name at last (thanks Cynric for renaming the topic).

I have all the wood - 9mm ply for the tops and 18mm ply for the sides and ends. These were to be 9mm ply too but when I went to B&Q this morning they had sold out of full sheets and the 3/4 of a half sheet was only £2 less than a full 8x4 so to buy 2 of them would have been nearly twice the price and still not the full amount. In the end I paid another £3 and got a full sheet of 18mm. This I had cut into half and then into 100mm strips for the sides and edges.

100mm (or 4" old money) may seem quite deep but I also ordered a 70 Ransomes and Rapier turntable from Metalsmith this afternoon and the installation kit for it requires 78mm depth. This wouldn't normally be an issue if the layout was going to be done in the traditional manner of legs/trestles etc. but this will sit on the newly installed kitchen units in the garage conversion.

When I got home from B&Q, the sun was till shining so I got the chop saw out and cut all the sides and ends to length and the softwoos strips for bracing the corners (unashamedly copying the design that Richard posted on Graham's "Baseboard "legs - What Design Do You Recommend?" thread) working on the theory that if it's good enough for Heyside then it's good enough for me:p.

I just managed to get all the softwood strips drilled and countersunk before it started to rain and then I moved indoors and managed to get one of the frames screwed and glued together. Photo's to follow tomorrow - not that there is much to see:rolleyes:

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
The weather was kind to me to day and although it clouded over a few times and let loose a few drops the rain kept off until I had lacked almost everything away.

So what did I achieve? Well much to my surprise I managed to get all the baseboards made up including the triangular infill piece - see sketch plan below.






They were all made up in the same way just different sizes to fit the space available. I also used the hole cutting saw to make the holes for the cables on the rest before I assembled them:oops: . A couple of them just need the belt sander running over them as the top overhangs by a couple off mm to finish them of ready for painting. They also need drilling so that they can be bolted together but I need to get bolts and wing nuts etc. before that so I know what size holes to drill.

Chris my good lady even managed to get the under side of one of them under-coated while the sun shone this afternoon. I ache a bit now but it is a very satisfied ache.

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Very neat job - what is the purpose of the blocks on the middle bearers?

I looked in our B&Q and could not find any material which looked like yours. What is the specification of the ply? (Or the product code from the till receipt)

regards, Graham

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Hi Graham,

The description is 18mm Spruce ply sorry but the receipt doesn't give a product code for it.

The blocks on the middle bearers were on Richard's version so I added them - I have screwed the top on from the bottom using them - this keeps the screws off the surface of the boards in the middle (the top is also screwed from the top into all the stripwood blocks around the edges as well as being glued and pinned with brass pins - a bit overkill perhaps but when I do woodwork it doesn't fall apart:cool:)


Flying Squad
Hi Rob

That's good solid work.

The only function of the blocks at the top of the middle (and end in my case) bearers was to provide a gluing and screwing surface. The ply I used was 9mm, so necessary. At 18mm (that's going nowhere in a hurry!) Rob may have been able to screw into the ply.

I like overkill Rob. Do it once and do it right. The Heyside gang have got fed up with my mantra 'good enough is not good enough'.




Western Thunderer
Lovely work there Rob, how are you planning to join the boards? Will it be pattern makers dowls. I always fancied the Idea of a hard wood profile board with a lovely varnished finish. I'm not sure if you've seen Hull clubs Botantic Gardens layout in P4. There's not much on the boards but the boards themselves are a work of art and the varnished finish looks great.

ATB Mick

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Hi Mick,

I just plan to bolt them together with bolts/wing nuts. I wasn't going as far as pattern makers dowels because I don't plan to move it once it's fastened together. There is access underneath the boards via the cupboards.

In terms of finish these will be plain white fronts to match the cupboards below. I agree I an see the attraction of varnished wood but not in the current setting.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
After a very good morning at Barrow Hill I tackled the sanding late in the afternoon. Once this was finished I cleaned up and then put all the boards in position on top of the units to see how they fitted.

That's when my glaring mistake hit me:'( - the triangular section that I was so proud of yesterday is twice the size it should have been:headbang: The only ray of sunshine is that I have enough materials left to make one the right size and it only took me about 20 mins to make the first one. I would have been really gutted if I had needed to buy more wood.

Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Here are a couple of shots to show you the size of the mistake.....:oops:



All sorted now, but rain has stopped play on this particular project.