Although we have been somewhat occupied checking over Hospital Gates for its last two shows (and subsequent new home). Work is progressing.
Including yet more 'ghost signs' - something Hull still has many of today if you look beyond the modern facades. Almost faded out (the model is easier to read) - the signwriting actually says (M R Baker - Sanitary Engineer, Plumber, Painter, Gas & Hot Water Fitter & Paperhanger).
Plus trial fitting of clusters of structures which will go together (in this case) to make a builders yard.

Whilst elsewhere on the layout final planning and 'high tech' mock-ups are taking place.

Plus, with my way of getting fed up of explaining what will go where to the rest of the team! I have been turning the layout into a sort of giant 'build by numbers!'
..and yes it was a level crossing seen on the concept sketch.....situated here. (yes that is a Beverley Bar bus!)