One thing noticeable in our research into 1960's Kingston Upon Hull was that in the area in which the model is set, car ownership was minimal but the number of 2 wheel vehicles about (be it bicycles, scooters of motorbikes) was pretty noticeable.
Unfortunately for all the popularity, bicycles aside the UK modeller isn't exactly well served when it comes to models of popular motorised 2 wheel vehicles in comparison to the vast range of 4 wheel ones on offer.
Hence it looks as if these Schuco made 1/43 models will have to suffice...….. for now.
Seen here just out of the box, each will need some degree of modification and a repaint to make it more representative of a typical 50's/60's UK bike.
Mind that's not so bad for us as where we are building the layout you cant step back without falling over a Matchless, BSA or some other classic ironmongery!.