Mike G's Workspace.

Mike Garwood

Western Thunderer

I have saved the images of the Mobil 14t as I was lucky enough to find a NOS example recently for the Inglenook that is ‘the last project’. I also own two Dapol AM 14t but the Bachmann Mobil has always been a favourite but eluded me, your images will be used to guide me.

Thanks, Tim
Hi Tim
Some sage advice that was passed to me…never model a model. Find a photo, go from there.
I used a photo for mine but having found what I wanted, I did note that some of these beasts had tie bars and not just axle keeps.
Something to bear in mind.

Look forward to seeing your progress.


Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
Hi Tim
Some sage advice that was passed to me…never model a model. Find a photo, go from there.
I used a photo for mine but having found what I wanted, I did note that some of these beasts had tie bars and not just axle keeps.
Something to bear in mind.

Look forward to seeing your progress.


Weathering is the task that I need to complete, your example is definitely good enough to provide ideas.


Mike Garwood

Western Thunderer
Bit the bullet and fitted the Counties brakes. And a little more weathering - if you can spot it...

GWR County of Middlesex 2.jpg

Scalefour next weekend and my club will be exhibiting (Abergavenny Black Brook), have a chat with the fellas they'll appreciate it. The Friday after I have a dentist appointment, followed by a quick sprint down the M5 and a visit to Barrow Road. I'll certainly have the County with me but I'm hoping to have another engine as well plus all the stock that's been built but not tested.

Stay safe
