Micromodels - Your workshop all in a cigar-box


Western Thunderer
Edit. 1949 - I have added an omission, Set BD Breakdown Train.
1951 - I have added Set F2 'Wm Crooks' 4-4-0 of 1861 and Santa Fe Freight Locomotive.



Western Thunderer
Thank you for taking us through these, Terry. They bring back happy memories!

I always had a problem with domes, which were not included as far as I remember - and possibly chimneys as well. How did you deal with these when building?

Hello Brian. I cut off the end of a small paint brush and used that, suitably coloured. Look at the completed models above.



Western Thunderer
Ray, I did ask if you would hold back from posting models until I had finished the thread. Whilst comments are welcome, If people start posting pictures of all the models in their possession then the continuity of the thread will be severely disrupted. Personally, I think that it is bad manners to hi-jack someone else's thread. If you intend to post all of the models now, then I will withdraw and leave it to you to carry on with the story.

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Flying Squad
Ray, I did ask if you would hold back from posting models until I had finished the thread. Whilst comments are welcome, If people start posting pictures of all the models in their possession then the continuity of the thread will be severely disrupted. Personally, I think that it is bad manners to hi-jack someone else's thread. If you intend to post all of the models now, then I will withdraw and leave it to you to carry on with the story.
Whilst I can understand your desire to present a story however the interaction and responses is part and parcel of forums in general, the very definition of forum is a meeting place for open discussion, so responses are to be expected to a certain extent I'm afraid. I think it's great when everyone can add to the story, just look at Tim Mill's photo thread. To have full editorial control on a thread really is verging on publishing it on your own website or somewhere like blogger Blogger.com – create a unique and beautiful blog easily.

Please have a look at the threadmarks facility - Threadmarks This has been added to the forum and is designed to help you present the story in the way that you'd like. At the start of each of your updates if you add a threadmark then it effectively defines the start of a new chapter.


Western Thunderer
Adrian, I take your point regarding the definition of forum. I merely thought that, at this festive period, members might enjoy a journey through the history of these interesting and unique models. This thread would have gone on to explore the architectural models, the nautical models, aircraft and other miscellaneous items.
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Western Thunderer
A great shame, Terry. I am familiar with the railway models - that's to say not all of them as you've described, but I was aware of many of them and as I mentioned previously have a few here. The relative rarity of some is of interest too. However, I was not aware of the architectural models and having looked on the bay of E find that there are some quite extensive and large ones which give a whole new set of opportunities - particularly for the railway based ones. The difficulty for me will be (I suspect) being able to get hold of sufficient kits to make even small rakes of coaches. Copying a master is probably the way to go, I guess.

I'm not sure where my few made up kits reside at the moment but I'm enthused to go and sort them out. Small is my forte, as those following my brief dolls house thread will remember.

Thanks too for your suggestion about forming domes and chimneys. I'll give that a go. I'm now thinking that using a minidrill as a lathe might work....

Thanks for an entertaining thread so far. I hope you'll reconsider your thoughts about not proceeding further with it. It adds a unique facet to the modelling on these pages.



Flying Squad
members might enjoy a journey through the history of these interesting and unique models.
and we do - and engagement and replies are an endorsement of that.
This thread would have gone on to explore the architectural models, the nautical models, aircraft and other miscellaneous items.
and it still may do so if you wish, that is why I suggested the threadmarks to indicate the start of each chapter. You can mark the start of the architectural models or nautical models in the thread by using threadmarks.


Western Thunderer
The difficulty for me will be (I suspect) being able to get hold of sufficient kits to make even small rakes of coaches.
Hello Brian. Thanks for your post. On eBay there is a seller named Autocraft who sells good quality scans of the models under the heading of Micro New Models. As far as I am aware, the scans are inkjet in nature and would probably benefit from a coat of matt varnish to protect them. Obtaining these would be far easier and cheaper than trying to obtain sufficient original model kits to meet your needs. To the best of my knowledge, Autocraft are the current owners of the Micromodels printing plates. Again, to the best of my knowledge they do not possess the Modelcraft Ltd. printing plates. Unfortunately I didn't get as far as detailing the models from that particular company, apart from showing Stephenson's Rocket.



Western Thunderer
and we do - and engagement and replies are an endorsement of that.

and it still may do so if you wish, that is why I suggested the threadmarks to indicate the start of each chapter. You can mark the start of the architectural models or nautical models in the thread by using threadmarks.
I have no problem with engagement or replies and would positively welcome them. Here is the problem: there are a total of 61 locomotives in the series, most having two cards. That's potentially 122 cards which could be posted here in response to requests for models, not taking into account the extra caused by the multiple posting of the same card, as shown above (4 times in the worst example). Obviously, this maximum number is unlikely to be reached, but even a fraction is likely to be a distraction from the thread moving forward, and would not 'add to the story', to quote your earlier reply. All I asked politely of the member concerned was that he wait before posting copies of the models, a request which he clearly chose to ignore. His glib reply was not appreciated.

Thanks for your explanation regarding threadmarks. It is something which I will bear in mind in future.

These public disagreements do nothing to enhance any forum and cause embarassment to members.
Accordingly, I will say no more on the matter.

Railway Models 1952 onwards.


Western Thunderer
It has become apparent to me that there is an amount of nostalgic interest in the subject of this thread. There is a much larger story still to be told and, if I can work out this 'threadmark' business, I am happy to continue. Please feel free to engage with anecdotes, comments, questions etc., and I will do my best to respond. Please note that all pictures shown are taken by me and are of models in my collection. Accordingly, the few models which I don't possess won't be shown, but will still be included in word only.


The Micromodels story..

1952 brought one railway themed Micromodel, this being Set X2, 8 Pre-Grouping coaches at a cost of 2/6d (12.5p). The covering wrapper was drawn in much the same style as Set X, previously shown, but showing different coaches. This set included six cards containing the following models: two GER 6-wheeled coaches, including a brake-third, a GWR 6-wheeled 1st/3rd composite, an LSWR bogie Restaurant Car, two LBSCR 4-wheeled coaches, an LNWR bogie composite and a Midland Railway bogie composite.


Here is the card for the LSWR Restaurant Car..

Here are the LBSCR coaches built from some rather poor scans..



Here are the two coaches together with the Stroudley tank previously shown..


The GER coaches..


1953 - Set PG8. Price 2/6d. Contained LSWR Drummond 4-6-0, LNWR 'Greater Britain' and GNR Ivatt Atlantic. Quite a common set.
Strangely, this set appeared to be issued before PG7.


1955 - Set PG7. For 3/0d you once again got three locomotives, GWR 'The Great Bear', GWR 4-4-0 'Duke' class and a Midland Railway 4-4-0 Compound.

Modelcraft Ltd. Single Card Locomotive Kits


Western Thunderer
Whilst Geoffrey Heighway was producing his kits under the Micromodels label, his previous employer, Modelcraft Ltd., continued to produce further miniature models, but on single sheets. The range of locomotives included LMS Princes Royal (1947), LNER Flying Scotsman (1947), SR Channel Packet (1947), LNER Sandringham B17 Class (1948), LMS Cameronian (1948), LNER Class L1 (1948), SR Lord Nelson Class Lord Anson (1948) and LMS Diesel Electric Locomotive (1948). A few other railway related kits were produced.

I have three of these Modelcraft single sheet kits in my collection.



The Modelcraft kit of Stephenson's Rocket was also produced. This was illustrated earlier in this thread.

To the best of my knowledge this concludes the Micromodels and Modelcraft railway models.

Coming next: Ships and Boats.

Ships and Boats 1948.


Western Thunderer
The Micromodels story continues with ships and boats.

Set S1- Six Little Ships & Galleons. First released in 1948 at 1/8d. This charming set contains six cards, each with a ship printed thereon and is actually a reprint of an earlier set produced by Modelcraft Ltd., called 'The Romance of Sail'. The two sets differ in that the original Modelcraft set was varnished and had a description of the vessel printed on the back of each card. Here is a Micromodels Ltd. reprint from 1955..


Here is the 'Ark Royal' for your delight..


And here is the original Modelcraft Ltd. Micromodels set for comparison..


This is one of the varnished cards from the Modelcraft set, the Mayflower..


And the rear of the same card...


Ships and Boats 1949.


Western Thunderer
Set S2 - HMS Vanguard - 'The largest warship ever built in Great Britain', according to the wrapper. First released in 1949, price 1/0d. (5p). This set contained only three cards making it the smallest Micromodel issued. The original issue commemorated the forthcoming visit of HRH King George V1 and Queen Elizabeth to New Zealand and Australia. Here is the 1953 reprint..


Set S3 - HMS Amethyst. Published in 1949. There were four cards in this set depicting the frigate which was involved in the famous 'Yangtze Incident' in the same year. For those who are in the dark - HMS Amethyst was quite lawfully cruising down the River Yangtze when she was fired upon by the Chinese. She was effectively held prisoner until she and her gallant crew fought their way to freedom. The 1957 film starring matinee idol Richard Todd tells the story. The wrapper appears to show the frigate running the gauntlet of the Chinese big guns. Here is the 1953 reprint..


The kit makes up into quite a nice model. I constructed this example from a scan of the kit..

Ships and Boats 1950 - 1953.


Western Thunderer
Set S4 - Cutty Sark. The famous Tea Clipper now on permanent display at Greenwich, London. Issued in 1950 at a cost of 2/0d. As well as six cards, the set also contains a sail sheet printed on thin paper. Unfortunately, the wrapper illustration is not as attractive as many other Micromodels. This example dates from 1953.


Set S5 - HMS Victory - Nelson's Flagship. Released in 1951 at a cost of 2s.0d. The illustration is of the 1952 reprint costing 2/6d. This set is one of the few which have the illustration printed at ninety degrees to all the others in the series.


Set S6 - The Showboat Cotton Blossom. Printed in 1952 at a cost of 2/6d. One presumes that Geoffrey Heighway had seen the 1951 MGM musical film 'Show Boat' starring Kathryn Grayson, Howard Keel and Ava Gardner. Here is a copy of the 1955 reprint..


Sets S7 & S8 were never issued.

Set S9 - Queen Elizabeth and Mauretania. In 1953, at a cost of 3/4d. you could buy yourself two liners. There were eight cards in this pack and a base strip which wrapped around the cards inside the outer wrapper. Five cards for the Queen Elizabeth and three cards for the Mauretania.


Set S10 - SS United States. Another 1953 introduction at a cost of 2/6d. Four cards and a wrap around base.


Set S11 - Thames Sailing Barge and Canal Narrow Boat. Yours in 1953 for the princely sum of 2/6d. (12.5p) No reprint was ever undertaken for this set. This set contains six cards plus a half-card base and a thin sheet of printed brown paper for the sails.


S12 was never issued.
