Lea Siding, a Gauge 3 layout 4 feet long is no more

Chain shunting on Lea Siding
  • geoff_nicholls

    Western Thunderer
    You may have seen my query about the use of chain shunting, elsewhere in this forum. Responses were positive and I've decided to include it on Lea Siding

    chain shunting1.jpg
    The chain I found may be a bit small for the job, but it works well. The Y6 is nearly off the scene before the wagon passes the fouling point, but, as I said, it does work.
    Bit of a rush now to have the GWR Iron Mink and a couple of other wagons ready for the Swindon show in two weeks time.
    NBR Jubilee wagon
  • geoff_nicholls

    Western Thunderer
    This NBR Jubilee wagon(another one from Williams Models) isn't quite finished, but I'll be bringing it to Swindon to show it off, along with the Iron Mink.


    Lea Siding will be the only gauge 3 presence, but there are other WT'ers. I'm looking forward to seeing Modbury in the flesh. And the two broad gauge layouts. I keep suggesting to others that BG13.5 would be quite impressive...
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