7mm Layouts and Dioramas by Stephen Fay Weymouth coal stage and St Stephen’s bank

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Today I’ve done a little on the ground where the “man” planted forest will be, building up in layers of static grasses and other flock scenic materials. The first hedge row is in on the opposite side. I’ve got to be careful how much I add this side as we have to lean over to lay the track. Once the trees are planted and I can see where the sunlight penetrates the canopy I’ll add some ferns here and there.
There’s something quite therapeutic about going out and viewing nature and then coming home and replicating your own little world.E0B65885-063C-4FD5-88D4-B2918F0E6066.pngD2ACB289-6646-4159-895B-B48A84DC7411.png

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Sunday fun day! More cutting and carving of polystyrene, painting the plaster with a wash of terracotta and red, laying down a bed of real earth as this will be under a canopy of trees the grass will be thinner. I’ve made up some slabs on top of the outlet out of DAS clay, first time I’ve used it, I’ll use it to disguise the joints in the 422 resin stone wall as well but these will be the last to go in after the lower section is fixed in place post track laying. I painted in more Liquitex gel on the water fall yesterday and that’s 95FBD5D4-FF80-44C5-90EB-99BB70E19D8C.jpeg drying out nicely, once I’m happy I’ll go over it with clear gloss nail polish to make it really shine.0C45C846-E0C6-4C1D-B5DB-EF743AB17D6C.jpeg718429C5-1CA2-4B10-97A3-401C30F32F2E.png

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Not forgetting the Haskins Hill and Tunnel end, brushing in green on the dark side of the cutting that doesn’t get much sun except in high summer and then only for a few hours. I’ve also added some additional greenery here and there, 954E9692-5D2C-4E2A-ACE6-B16074444907.pngF076AA8B-8632-4774-8759-BCBDEFC02663.png46BC57C7-8E28-4C34-ACB0-6FC23F7A3D3F.png
I’ve cut a few inches off the end of the cutting today to reduce its overall length, there will be 10” behind the tunnel mouth for scenics and I want the bottom of the slope to finish on one board,

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Polak naturex coarse tree leaf material arrived today and it’s gotten very expensive to ship in direct from the Czech Republic! Unfortunately the UK supplier is having major issues getting stock due to the red tape now associated with it, I will have to try and source something similar from another supplier. These home made large trees really need large leaf foliage to look their best. I’ve got a few packs to do another large tree. MBR actually do something similar so next time I place an order for a few trees I’ll get some to try.68D460B2-45C7-417C-9CED-FB8AC639A6B8.jpeg


Today I’ve done a little on the ground where the “man” planted forest will be, building up in layers of static grasses and other flock scenic materials. The first hedge row is in on the opposite side. I’ve got to be careful how much I add this side as we have to lean over to lay the track. Once the trees are planted and I can see where the sunlight penetrates the canopy I’ll add some ferns here and there.
There’s something quite therapeutic about going out and viewing nature and then coming home and replicating your own little world.View attachment 158453View attachment 158454
Stunning work

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Another pair of trees now with Polák leaf foliage added. B9007E33-D85F-42BA-A279-36B01977FC13.jpeg

This week will see the Holloway tunnel board transferred to Bristol so we can start track laying and I’ll frame up the 3rd board where the man planted forest will drop off and the railway will be up on an embankment.

Marsh Lane

Western Thunderer
Very nice Steve, superb modelling as ever. Is the intention to have a small hidden sidings or traverser at each end so you can run things past on the mains, or just have it more as a shed diorama?

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Very nice Steve, superb modelling as ever. Is the intention to have a small hidden sidings or traverser at each end so you can run things past on the mains, or just have it more as a shed diorama?
Hi Richie, this is being built for a customer and the plan is to have it in a loop, that’s what governed the 8’ overall length. You can have trains running by on the main lines and enjoy static locos on shed.