Just for a laugh


Western Thunderer
When I was studying at Cranfield, I discovered just outside Bedford a small village which the OS maps referred to as “Bell End”. Funnily enough, you couldn‘t find the village signs there, either.

Someone must have them!

just spent half an hour studying the NLS maps collection, and I can’t find it :(


Western Thunderer
Not quite in the vein of profane place names, but there are some interesting ‘places’ to be found in OS 1:25000 maps. I always though these were the result of poor proofreading/proofing checks, but given I came across this one in 2016 and it’s still in the latest online OS maps maybe this is an actual place name…

Somewhere in a corner of a field in Suffolk, I give you Fiscal Policy.


Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
He's actually our MP and as such, has done quite a bit for the local community.

Without wishing to stray too far into politics on a model railway forum, all I will say is that, like far too many people in all walks of life, he was (in my view) promoted beyond his level of competancy.


Western Thunderer
I like the old ones... :)

On Swine flu [or was it really Mexican flu?] I got a dose the week before Christmas.

At the time, I worked{?} for the MoD as a specialist uncivil servant [I used to swear at those who someone had placed above me in the food chain]

We had just started a fortnight's 'leave' for the Christmas period [Only Gurkhas left at my ''establishment''], hence nobody left, almost, to be specialized with.
At that time, on 'reporting' this swine/mexican flu, one also informed the NHS [un] help [ful] lne, and got a parcel of Tamiflu posted through one's letterbox.

Being a switched-in uncivil servant, i also, immediately, telephoned the Guardroom at my ''establishment''...got them to note [in biro]...that I was now 'on the sick', therefore my 'leave' ceased at that point. Note to be passed onto my line management, when the place opened up again after New Year.

Tamiflu made things worse, my GP phoned me Christmas Eve [from his home, bless him] and told me to cease & desist with the tamiflu thing.

Also, in civil service parlance, the 'flu' of the week, was also 'discounted' from one's 'sick' quota for the 12 months following. In other words, it was 'recognised!'

A week or so after New Year I apparently felt well enough to return to work.
Whereupon, I immediately started taking the 'leave' I was owed....from the Christmas break.

I didn't see what passed for 'work' in my eyes, until the middle of February....

Plus, my sick record was 'clean'....thus allowing me at least 3 weeks 'off' at some point during the following 12 months, should I have felt like it..and didn't want to use my proper 'leave'....

Civil Service...the best for of tax refund I could have imagined...especially for an ex-bus driver?