Paul, I used Tamiya Bluff XF-57. I gave it a couple of thin coats before just brushing some weathering powders in after the paint had a couple of days to dry. The rusty ironwork was just the original grey paint brushed over with these rusty weathering gels fron Eileen's Emporium.
Well I have got s far as I can with the wagons as I have run out of W iron and axle box castings .Ita possible that someone may b printing some for me so hopefully they will be soon .Of the two D1 wagons one is from a kit the one without the W irons is my first scratch built and the two D12 timber trucks are scratbuilt .All three from less than a sheet of plastic and
Thanks for that Michael , i will give it a try on my old Lima test wagons . I dont think "Rustit" is available in Aus but i have plenty of powders so will substitute .
Cheers Paul
On the first one of these I built the W irons and brake gear were all seperate items. It was fiddly to sest up. So this time I did it as a completé assembly