John’s workbench - a miscellany.

Coales Mill 2mm FS New


Western Thunderer
Here are two shots to record progress with Coales Mill in 2mm scale. The larger block is now stuck onto the base and may have to stay there, I overlooked some unset glue when I did a fit check and its set while in place. This will make the detailing a little more complex, but I don't want to wreck anything trying to unglue it.

Progress is travelling left to right in theses shots, and the track needs to be glued down and wired correctly before “ballasting” - its almost completely covered over to form a roadway in most photos.



The next building along has some giant ducts at the back, making it look far more modern than the current Victorian styling. Stay tuned….


Western Thunderer
Here are two shots to record progress with Coales Mill in 2mm scale. The larger block is now stuck onto the base and may have to stay there, I overlooked some unset glue when I did a fit check and its set while in place. This will make the detailing a little more complex, but I don't want to wreck anything trying to unglue it.

Progress is travelling left to right in theses shots, and the track needs to be glued down and wired correctly before “ballasting” - its almost completely covered over to form a roadway in most photos.

View attachment 224458

View attachment 224459

The next building along has some giant ducts at the back, making it look far more modern than the current Victorian styling. Stay tuned….

Hindsight’s a wonderful thing, John…… I know only too well :(

You’ve definitely cracked the look with those mill buildings. A deft hand required there no doubt, which precludes me from ever adopting the scale :oops:



Western Thunderer
Thanks Jon, I can only work on this scale at certain times…. All has to be calm and sufficient coffee consumed. Also very bright lights. And magnifier.

The glue thing…. Yes its a nuisance but it'll be ok…