Genghis's 7mm Workbench


Western Thunderer
Hi Genghis , I'm obviously missing something but who's kit is this as a Coal engine is on my hit list . I have parts that i cut out for a scratch build but like the idea of a kit .
Cheers Paul

All is explained when you read the whole thread.

This will be the first new loco kit in the Gladiator stable since Trisha and I bought the range. Pretty sure it will be available about September.


spikey faz

Western Thunderer
Hi Dave

I've just been reading through your locomotive builds. Really impressive stuff.

I see that Gladiator Models list a crane loco kit. I might be tempted by one of these as I've already built a couple of other types of crane locos and they might need some company!

All the best


Western Thunderer
Nothing posted for a week as I have been getting on with building the Webb 1800 gallon tender to go with the Coal Engine. All going well until I did this when filing back the flares.


This resulted in a significant contribution to the donation box. I usually manage to fill the 'fingers with low melt and file back, but this time the solder would not flow whatever I did so I used epoxy putty. My ham fisted cleaning up resulted in the fingers being torn out with the putty. So now delayed while the next lot sets hard enough to form.

This did allow me to do the last job on the S15: the backhead.


I had expected to complete the Coal Engine this weekend, but not to be. Not long though.


Western Thunderer
Cleaning the bench prior to starting the J21 revealed the tender guard irons for the Coal Engine. Not only that but I discovered that an unused casting was the regulator handle gland which I thought I was missing. So these were added.


So it was on with the J21 tender. There are two sets of frames supplied: a fold up and a standard construction. I chose the latter. There are two frame spacers, which are a bit weedy. However, with the brake hanger wires added the end result is strong enough. This kit is basic. I have already identified some improvements I would like to draw up.


But for now I have a free rolling chassis with all 6 wheels on the ground.



Western Thunderer
Wow! Three weeks since I posted. I have been busy, but not taking photos of progress.....

I had intended to make a detailed update of the instructions in the same way that I did for the ex-Fourtrack J6 but it became clear that this really would be putting lipstick on the pig: my effort will be better directed at getting the etches redrawn an producing instructions for that. At one of the first exhibitions that Trisha and I attended as traders we were told that there was a problem with the J21 kit and the brake hangers being too short. That little nugget of information was lodged in my brain but largely forgotten. However, when I tried to fit the outside pull rods it became clear that they were so high as to interfere with the coupling rod. It also seemed that the blocks sat too high. Then the realisation dawned: this kit is a blow up of a 4mm design for the J25 which has smaller wheels. The J21 elements are addressed by including an additional etch with revised cab, splashers and the outside pull rods. But the brake hangers - which I guess will be fine for the J25 are too short. There are some other areas where the J25 parts don't work.

I haven't yet resolved precisely how to fit the brakes so as I decided to get on with the tender and loco body. I have already lowered the pivot points for the hangers and will extend them with some scrap etch. I think the butchery will be hidden.

The tender went together mostly without issues. However, you get to a point in the instructions which is an apology for there being no floor to the coal space and no coal door: both missing from the etches. Neither are hard to knock up but it shouldn't be necessary. I just have to clean up some epoxy from the axleboxes and then will take a photo. It is still missing the brake standard. The instructions suggest to fashion something from wire. This is a bit strange as I have a Fourtrack brass casting for an NER tender brake standard, so I will acquire one of those when home.

The loco body has so far presented no real challenges. The running plate as supplied as cut outs for the smaller wheels of the J25 and the instructions include a diagram of the cuts required to enlarge these. The cab splashers took a bit of fettling and the cab floor has been consigned to the bin. There is a large hole in it, presumably to accommodate a gear drive to the rear axle. It's also a bit wide. I am at the point of fitting the boiler assembly to the running plate which is already bedecked with the cab and all splashers. The instructions suggest to fit some frame top extensions between the splashers but the parts supplied don't fit. Mostly I think because the splashers are bigger than on the J25 and hence closer together. The instructions also show you how to fold and fit the smokebox saddle: all well and good except that the kit doesn't include a saddle. Not really an issue as the smokebox front will locate the front and. The smokebox rear can be knocked up from scrap etch if required.

The firebox front pieces will also be replaced by a piece that goes completely across the firebox front rather than leaving a big gap for the motor.

I am hoping to complete this in the next 10 days as I am coming home on 17 July. The removal of the quarantine requirement is a big bonus. It has not been easy to get a flight and has caused severe wallet anguish at nearly £3000 for a one way ticket...............



Western Thunderer
After all that wordy nonsense, here are a few self explanatory photos to show progress.




The tender is waiting for a brake standard, buffers, couplings and a good clean, but otherwise complete.




Not many etched parts left to fit. I need to fashion a replacement cab floor, add sandbox detail, lamp irons and roof then it will just be the fittings to attach.


Western Thunderer
Wow! Another 4 weeks just flew by! But in that time I have returned to Castle Gladiator and busy packing kits......... I did manage to bring with me the J21, which along with the S15 and Coal Engine were deposited with Paul Moore for painting yesterday.


Next up will be a Gladiator B16 but I probably will not be able to start for a while. My modelling stuff is split between Derby and Taoyuan. I need to return to Taiwan for one (last?) time at then end of the month and will return with the rest of the kit. Meanwhile one of the jobs to do here is to convert the study into my workshop, so it is busy. Will be even busier when the 200 sheets of Gladiator etches arrive...........


Western Thunderer
I got back home on Saturday morning having at huge expense bought a flight from Taipei to Birmingham via Istanbul so I wouldn’t have the 14 day isolation that would be necessary if I came back with Emirates via Dubai. What happened? Turkey joined the blacklist and I missed the cut off by 5 hours. I wasn’t proud of my language when I found that I had wasted a not inconsiderable sum of money. Ho him. My mood has not improved by finding out that the supply of etches are still 2-3 weeks away. Anyway I have lots of castings to form.

One bright spot has been the near completion of my new workroom. I did the decorating last time. For some reason Trisha has taken to calling it the custard room. The desk was assembled this morning.


There will be a bookcase to add for storage. However, the parts supplied have location holes that don’t line up. A bit like a poorly executed railway kit I suppose.


Western Thunderer
That is an absolute BBBBu&&££er. However, now you are home I hope we hear a lot more from you!

Very best from me, and now you're home keep you and Trisha safe.



Western Thunderer
We are black listed between France and England so I feel your pain except you had an expensive ticket and we don’t. Though Brittany Ferries are suffering financial difficulties so who knows what might happen.


Western Thunderer
We are black listed between France and England so I feel your pain except you had an expensive ticket and we don’t. Though Brittany Ferries are suffering financial difficulties so who knows what might happen.

It's a real joke!! I come into the country from Novosibirsk, Siberia, having flown 4 rotations to Wuhan bringing in PPE equipment, (Yes the same Wuhan where it all started!) and I can come in to the UK as aircrew and no question of isolating whatsoever!!! How does that work, apart from the initial covid test prior to going into Russia!?
All I can say is stay safe!

Regards, Rob (Deano)