I'm drawing a small loco in F360. I've started a project and in that I've made a drawing for the smokebox. Within that drawing I've drawn a component for the smokebox door.
I'm wondering if this is the best way of using the programme. Should I have the whole loco in one drawing with lots of different components, or should I have several sub-assemblies each in its own drawing. Say, footplate and associated bits, cab, boiler each with separate components, e.g. footplate with components for sandboxes, toolboxes, splashers. Cab with components for doors, roof etc.
I'll be printing this off at some stage and when I need to re-draw some of the components in the light of what I learn, I won't want to impact on a lot of other parts.
What's the best way of organising so that when I make a mistake it impacts as little as possible, while making it easy to see it all together.
I'm wondering if this is the best way of using the programme. Should I have the whole loco in one drawing with lots of different components, or should I have several sub-assemblies each in its own drawing. Say, footplate and associated bits, cab, boiler each with separate components, e.g. footplate with components for sandboxes, toolboxes, splashers. Cab with components for doors, roof etc.
I'll be printing this off at some stage and when I need to re-draw some of the components in the light of what I learn, I won't want to impact on a lot of other parts.
What's the best way of organising so that when I make a mistake it impacts as little as possible, while making it easy to see it all together.