Day job season is back again, and as usual I am finding myself; with unerring skill, being in all the wrong places and doing all the wrong things at the wrong times!
That also includes sitting here doing this post, but a quick catch up can't do any more harm, can it...?
How many times do we all have days, or even longer periods that could be described as: "pants"?
The boys and girls at home decided that it was about time we "switched " telecom service provider. Trouble was that the two companies didn't seem to be able to agree on dates, so this week we found ourselves switched indeed - to completely off!!
Now I should point out - if none had guessed already that I am a bit of an odd soul and, among other things, had steadfastly refused to carry or use a mobile phone. Fairly recently I had a breakdown and was forced to walk several miles for assistance and got home rather late. My wife then insisted that she would buy me one, and if I continued to be so stubborn it would be surgically implanted somewhere about my person! I thought it wise to get a "pay as you go", and carry it for emergency outward calls only for the purpose of domestic harmony! At least that infernal machine was unaffected by the shut down, if I had remembered to switch it on of course?!
My own little car is still off the road for want of spares too, but at least an old but fairly reliable "pool" car is still available for the odd necessary trip. This last Wednesday, during the previously mentioned silent time, I had a twenty or so miles run out in the morning and then back again on a cold and drizzly night.
Now this car has a bit of a blow from the exhaust that has been slowly getting worse. One of my sons checked it and showed me the break where the noise was coming from in a flexible bit at the front. He assured me that the whole back end was fine as it had been renewed not that long ago.
Know what happened next on the A1307?
The whopping great silencer box and tail aft had corroded almost through at the main pipe joint. There are supposed to be two rubber "dog bone" hangers on round bar irons to hold the thing up - but clearly one had been lost. Fine while the pipe joint held, but the failure caused the thing to twist downward on to the road!
I always normally carry a tool kit, but guess what again? I would just have to phone home for assistance!
The folks were all out!
Oh knickers!
There I lay, soggy on the cold, hard ground, ruefully looking at the saggy metal by torchlight, and wondering what on earth I could use. Then I had a Railway Children, "Bobby" idea!
Jumped in the car and after a bit of wriggling, emerged triumphant but "commando".
Hooking one leg hole over the end of the first iron, I twisted the garment as tightly as possible into a sort of short rope, hoisted the box carefully back up and wound the fabric round the both irons. The other much reduced leg hole just about pinged over the tails to firmly grip!
I was very conscious that I was "flying by the seat of..." on the journey home. Not so much concerned by my own lack of underwear, I did keep a nostril keenly tuned to what I imagined scorched undies, with impending consequences might smell like, not that I would know about such things of course?! I could only hope that the elastic was strong enough to hold it all in place down below there!!!
Pants indeed!
Changing the subject, In between times have been quietly getting on with the underside of the driving truck!
Although not just to keep the slightly extended couplers prototypical, but as I expect that the truck might well be subject to some potentially rough treatment, fitting the flat bar with stays would be appropriate in order to withstand any extra dragging and buffing forces.
The coupling pin hole should have been centred between the four machine screws, but the throw of the coupling bar on our rather sharp curves dictated.
An unforced error was not paying attention with the countersink bit. A couple of turns too many on three out of four was careless! Covering with a thick layer of paint is no excuse either as this area will almost certainly lose much of it in the general wear and tear of use?!
Should have thought of that?
Another essential aspect where pre planning would have been helpful is the awkward problem of footboards.
The spidery ironwork and fairly high floor has had me flummoxed for quite a while.
In the end there seemed to be little alternative to using some long and short eyebolts with 10mm steel tube for 8mm round bar brackets.
That should allow the boards to slide out and be removed for easier storage and transport.
I am concerned that the front pair of eyes are potentially weak and could rather easily become bent back into the wheels, but they should hold firm when running with the boards installed?
So where is the next problem?
I found that the inside of the tube is not exactly 8mm, but a little wee bit under.
The outside of the bar is not as quoted either - as it is in fact a little bit over...!!!
Perhaps I will accept JB's very kind offer instead of breaking out the files this time?
Now the phone is back on I won't have to use that infernal mobile instrument to call....? Not that it is much use at the moment anyway - I have forgotten to top it up with credit!!!