Brettell Road, 1960s black country (ish)

Jim smith-wright

Western Thunderer
My history with milk tanks has been, to an extent unnecessarily convoluted. Originally I planned to build a David Geen kit for a midland one and I got the Rumney Models underframe for it in preparation. However when I came to get the kit from David he only had one left and that was for a GWR one. Justin kindly swapped the chassis kit for me and, as I've mentioned before, doing battle with my collection of bits I ended up with my model of a milk tank.

However the desire for at least one LMS one never went away and for more years than it really should have been I would discuss the idea of doing one using Rumney bits with a Lima tank when I saw Justin at a show. Apparently I wasn't the only one


Well finally, heres what I've come up with, The only bits of the Lima one left are the tank - end supports and filler hatch. The rest is pretty much all Justin with buffers from Lanarkshire models and the tank supports kindly cut for me by Tim Horn.

The diagonal bracing is obviously over-length at the moment. The strapping isn't tight and the ladder is just rested in position until after painting. This seemed much less of a fight than my other one, so much so that I've ordered bits to do another 2.