7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
Progress on the ballast wagon has slowed. A removable load has been made and I am witing on a delivery of chain (1mm links) for the bits of chain around the drop sides. Photos will be forthcoming in the next few days.


Western Thunderer
Chain arrived, even finer than I thought.

chain 1.jpg

chain 2.jpg

It is by Scalemodelscenery I 0rdered through Amazon. It is their ultra fine Chain code No; CX003 It looks to be about 40 links to the inch 9-16 to the cm) if my eye sight is working properly You have a count. In 7mm each link around 1-1.25 inc in reality.
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Western Thunderer
I've started to weather the chassis, but I cannot do the body until I've applied the transfers and ai am still waiting for Steve bell to reply to an email I sent him 10 days ago to ask if he could them. Can anyone who has used railtec tell me how long he normally takes to reply to an email?

weathering started 2.jpg

weathering started 1.jpg


Western Thunderer
I’ve always had a super quick (same day) response from Railtec — and top quality decals too. So it might be worth a follow up email or call.


Jim Read

Active Member
Hello Alan,

I've been through all of your thread and my goodness you're a Modeller fair play to you.
I'll be following this and constantly referring back to it for ways to do weathering.
Superb stuff and ditto the photographs so clear and in proper focus.

Cheers and many thanks - J


Western Thunderer
I've now been in touch with Steve at Railtec so hopefully work on the ballast wagon will continue shortly.

Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
Back to steam, a favourite photo now 8749 coming back down from the colliery and drifting under the old tramway. Photo possibly by Frank Drake th e local haulier and railway photographer.
Alan for goodness sake, not again???!!! :rolleyes: you know the rules - posting photos of the real thing and claiming it's a model is just not right or proper!! :confused:

Joking aside, I think that's one of your best photos yet!! Fantastic stuff! :) :drool:


Western Thunderer
Many thanks Chris for your kind words.

Back to steam, afavourite photo now 8749 coming back down from the colliery and drifting under the old tramway. Photo possibly by Frank Drake th e local haulier and railway photographer.

View attachment 182350

Even though Panniers are IMO the devil's spawn, I have had to click the 'love' reaction for the photo. Some superb modelling, painting, scenics and photography there.