7mm , Blackney, A Glimpse of the Forest


Western Thunderer
Your Bedford looks a bit military, kinda high stepping. On the 'domestic' S Type lorry, the flatbed stood only a few inches above the rear wings. Yours is in line with the top of the front 'wing' and should really line up with the lower section of the cab door.....

WEB Badford S lorry.jpg


Western Thunderer
I tok abreak from Modelling on Saturday , Spent most of Friday building a Parkside Conflat A and Container.
I went to watch and photograph a Yacht race on the Broads. The Yare Navigation Race. I did it 19 times in my own yacht and another 4 when crewing on a friends yacht. Starts near Brundall at the Coldham Hall Pub down to Breydon Water near Great yarmouth and Back. a distance of some 32- 36 miles depending how far the turning mark is put down Breydon idea is you try and have the tide with you both ways (you choose your own start time). This year slightly complicated by very high tides and a the northerly which had been blowing most of the week holding the tide up making it later than the tide tables were predicting. This year 35 entries a bit less when I used to do it when there where anything from 50-70 starters 4 decided not go winds were 4-5 gusting 6 NW. making it a run down and a reach and beat back.
Dragonfly forum.jpgEnough a few photos as they powered their way past the pub at Cantley. The silors amongst you may notice that most are reefed or sainling without their Topsail..

Farthing forum.jpg

Wandering Rose forum.jpg

jessie may forum.jpg

michael mott

Western Thunderer
I am amazed at how close to shore these boats are, The water must be a lot deeper than I thought. Certainly could not get that close to shore at the lake I sailed at, unless you had a swing keel that was almost up.



Western Thunderer
Most Broads yachts draw about 3ft6 or less. There is the odd exception but not many. The main ru!e of the class is the boats are designed to sail on the broads


Western Thunderer
Back to the railway. The Bedford is now finished?? some titivating to do me thinks.

The firm is named after dad Emlyn and the sons me and my late brother. Its an engineering firm therefore not in competition with Frank Drake. Dad was an engineer worked many years for Gloster Aircraft and this last working days were at Dowty Rotol. My Brother was a qualifeid draughtsman with Dowtys and then when he went to university after being one of the last called up for National Service and did a degree in Mechanical Engineering. ME?? I was just a primary school teacher in the east end of London. and not vety good with my hands, even worse now that they occassionally seize up.


finished 2.jpg

I've also been building a Parkside Conflat and container The conflat is finished the container needs the roo f painting hence no photo.

finished 3.jpg


Flying Squad
That looks really nice, they are very handsome vehicles I think.

I also really like the Thames trader and two stroke Commer vehicles from back in the day.

I have a 1/32 Bedford like yours for my coal yard, it is the Airfix military one which I have tried to "beef down"(!)

It is that bendy plastic so a bit tricky to work with, must get back to it...



Western Thunderer
ME?? I was just a primary school teacher in the east end of London. and not very good with my hands, even worse now that they occasionally seize up.

Just a primary school teacher? Well I for one take my hat off to you Alan for doing such an important job.

As for your hands seizing up, well I'm a fully paid up member of the same club! Not that it has stopped you from doing some superb modelling.



Western Thunderer
Hats off to any teachers Alan , in fact in my late teens / early twenties one of my mates was my woodwork teacher who was only a few years older than me . His wife was a teacher as well and in the middle late sixties when teachers wages were very low a group of us kids ( fifteen ish ) would rock up to their house with food for them about once a week. Monty Python was on the tv so we would stay and watch that then go back to our homes . Ah those were the days , not .
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