I think it's around the other way sometimes, Brian. The driving of shall we say a lot of more recent drivers is not up to standard, driving too fast etc.
Making us look dated ! ...but we know better mate
In my, once professional, view....today's new drivers are far more competent when they have passed the test than those of 50 year-plus ago 'when I passed my first test].
Driving instructors are far & away better qualified to teach, and the syllabus for the driving test is far more attuned to today's traffic environment than that of 50-odd years ago.
Some I see, demand a more rigorous initial driving test.
Well, in practice [I am, currently, now, 8 years out of date, as I'm a pensioneer!] the only real way of making a test more rigorous is to make it a darned sight longer. Say, at least 2 1/2 hours including manoeuvers?
That way the candidate has more time to eventually 'hang' themselves through accumulation of persistent driving faults.
The major issue with making tests longer, is, one of a logistical nature.
Currently there is a shortage of qualified Examiners.
There is a shortage of time in any one day to accommodate longer tests....
When I worked, [for the MoD, training the military of all types and flavours]..the average military person had an advantage, driving-wise, over their civilian counterparts. In that, once they passed their relevant tests [almost always up to C+E...something which was, at the time, bolted onto every military individual's' basic training, so that every person would be qualified to drive up to at least C+E...}.....they then went on to my particular barra, military driver training squadron.....[ which I loved doing, right up my street, playing with large green/brown things...]....where they not only were taught how to use various vehicles [as their bosses demanded , and paid for]...which involved a fair bit of driving [on & off road,day & night]...they were constantly accompanied by highly qualified driver instructors.....[ a reason for spending so much time on 'licence acquisition'....so termed for legal reasons..in that nobody, but nobody, can be ''taught to drive''.....ask anybody in the teaching profession why that is so?] who would assess, and where necessary, coach drivers to improve on what they had achieved when passing their tests. {They also had to conform to the military regulations in order to pass their courses as well]..
This would be ongoing for many, over all the vehicles they had to attend courses on.
However, even though even 18 year olds would start their driving lives [regardless of the actual jobs]....with a distinct advantage.....even if only a small proportion of their coaching actually stuck with them...compared to a young civilian , who may undergo a driver training course, undertake and pass a test..they then have no compulsion[other than sheer desire?] to undergo further, perhaps what one might call, ''advanced'' driver coaching....
I felt there was a mistake not making even the old ''Pass-Plus'' additional driver training at cat B level [car]...mandatory for all before license was issued.
I used to prove this to myself...by often asking the more experienced students in whatever cab I was using, the difference,
to them, between a motorway and a dual carriageway?
[Especially important to be aware of, when driving into, for example, Hull along the M62, where it suddenly changes to the A63 dual carriageway?}
Most of the students would not appreciate, even after having a driving licence for a number of years.....how the difference between the two, apparently indistinguishable, roads...was in fact, chalk, and cheese!
Not appreciating the differences has often led to rises in the numbers of incidents....
Also worth asking, what, in the UK, is a motorway?
I used to get all sorts of waffle for replies..often around the 'numbers of lanes', etc....I'd perhaps try to gee them along by asking if one found roundabouts on motorways? [Which one, indeed, does find] Easy to tie even apparently skilled drivers in knots.....
All really about how a lack of constant remedial or refresher training leads to assumptions based on half the story...
I've sacked all my vocational licence categories...to remove temptation, and given the costs of the medicals each year now......
I have around another 18 months to find the hundred or so quid for the medicals, and re-acquire those categories..Otherwise I'd have to fork out for the hire of a waggin & test...
I don't think I'll bother....I never did like those bouncy castle driver's seats in modern waggins, either...
Or power steering.
However, before I ceased the working life, several of my colleagues [doing licence acquisition, as it was a cosy warm job, unless on C+E, ] were over 75 years old....A nicer , better paid bit of income compared to collecting trolleys in Tesco!