Accurascale 88DS on for a failed 9F


Western Thunderer
One of our members brought his 9F and rake of eleven Summers hoppers and brake van to the Club this afternoon and I just happened to have my Accurascale Ruston 88DS.......................


Excuse the mess, we are deep into getting ready for the move to our new home

Err, "This Video is Private"?!?


Western Thunderer
Err, now we have a south East Asian lady…, and a “sign in to prove you’re not a bot”.

closer, perhaps, but still no cigar!

if you can watch the youtube video yourself, there should be a “share” icon below it. You can copy the link and post it?



Western Thunderer

that is delightful, and preposterous, in equal measure! (thanks Richard!)

I am so sorry to see your club room :(

Hi Simon,

we are moving to New Brighton, into a room half the size of our present one and we will be able to (just) fit in the ends of our present layout to form a 21' x 15' four track continuous run test track wired for both DC & DCC, with our 'under construction' portable layout which is 20' x 2' on a shelf above one end. The owner is in the process of getting it sorted out and we could be in by the end of April - one month short of our deadline to move.

Will post some pictures after the move.

kind regards


Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
This sort of club consist is always tremendous fun. It's as though we build and buy the most accurate models we can manage, and then enjoy running them in the most bizzare of trains! Perhaps this is a sort of safety valve after all of the graft at the bench.

Mike I too am sorry to hear about your club's eviction but hopefully the new premises will allow as much fun with the trains :)