A Garden Railway Pipedream: the odyssey continues


Flying Squad

It might be sub-zero with the north wind, but the gang are hardy chaps.....

We took advantage of the sunny dry weather to finish laying the prepared pointwork. We now have 5 of the 8 points laid, both main circuits complete and one of the sidings connected. A good morning's work before we came in to thaw out.



I'll take a photo of the track formation tomorrow - it's supposed to be a nice sunny day.




Flying Squad

I took some photos of yesterday's work - the strong low light didn't help!




That may well be it for track laying this year, but we shall continue to build the points in the warmth. We might have a winter steam up day - or half-day, whereby Steve plays outside while we watch from the house :)



Western Thunderer
Snow on the Kent coast this morning!

The line looks fantastic. I’ve watched avidly, and will continue to wait for updates!



Western Thunderer
'Tis a time for kit building & dreaming of running live steam trains in the eternal sunshine of our imagination...
Anyway, I have persuaded Ken West, who normally does very good value 10mm laser cut bodyline wagon kits, to do a 1/32nd bodyline kit of a GWR 4 wheel Syphon C, costing only £29 . It is going together well & the side wooden overlays look great.
I have also ordered a 1/32nd scale SR 4 wheel 32' PMV kit from Cliff Barker, also laser cut with more underframe detail, at £45.
The idea is to run these behind locos at the head of trains to introduce some variety & regional colour to trains that would otherwise be just rakes of the very good value G1mCo/Accucraft BR Mark Ones.
As another kit maker said to me yesterday, the loco kits, apart from Aster, are made in 10mm, so people want coaches in 10mm to run behind them. With more rtr locos, mainly expresses, in 1/32nd, demand is increasing for coaches in 1/32nd to run behind them. He also said that the practical difference between 1/32nd & 10 mm was around 1/2 mm in 1 foot. Therefore sourcing smaller items to run underneath my 4 wheel coach solebars should not be a big problem, scratchbuilding other parts where necessary. ( There is also a view that with garden railways, whether 16mm which I also model, or Gauge One, 'If you can't see it at six feet distance, don't worry too much about it , just do your best, if you want to live to make, run & enjoy a garden railway in your own lifetime!' )
May all WT readers get the Xmas presents they deserve.:) :)
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Western Thunderer
Well, Richard & Lady Dikitriki hosted our very welcome annual post Xmas get together of friends, a great time was had by all. Much tasty provender was consumed, much wine etc was quaffed, many tales were told & thoughts went out to absent friends. By the time Brian & I staggered out to assess the potential for garden running it was rather late in the afternoon. I hope readers will forgive us for forsaking clearing bird poo & leaves off the tracks in the cold for the option of running trains in the lovely, warm Heyside cellar! We look forward to running future garden trains on those perpetually sunny, steamy, long days our imaginations hope for. Many thanks again to Richard & Linda. Happy New Year to everyone!
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Flying Squad

The weather was nice and sunny yesterday, if a little cold, so we had a short running session outside. The railway appears to have over-wintered well, and minimal clearing up was needed before we felt confident to run. Steve brought along his Accucraft Brit, and it looked good and sounded great. The Black 5 was a little short of battery power, but it struggled round without slipping, which was pretty good considering the rails were getting damp.

I must admit I'm very much looking forward to getting some serious play time outside this year:) Getting very tempted by the new Aster/Accucraft 9F:eek:




Western Thunderer
I love the powerful roar of the Brit & the plumes of smoke as it snaked around the sinuous curves. Bit like the real thing I'm very pleased to say. (I know Peter Spoerer really rates them too.)
Over the years I've seen too many G1 live steam locos racing around ovals chased by retired colonel types who could barely control their locos & risked heart attacks! I have no wish to replicate that if I can help it. (Although learning to control the Aster B of B was a 'learning curve' in the early days!)


Western Thunderer

The weather was nice and sunny yesterday, if a little cold, so we had a short running session outside. The railway appears to have over-wintered well, and minimal clearing up was needed before we felt confident to run. Steve brought along his Accucraft Brit, and it looked good and sounded great. The Black 5 was a little short of battery power, but it struggled round without slipping, which was pretty good considering the rails were getting damp.

I must admit I'm very much looking forward to getting some serious play time outside this year:) Getting very tempted by the new Aster/Accucraft 9F:eek:


Do hope Richard gets an Aster 9F in due course, it would look great running in the garden... then there's his Aster rebuilt Merchant Navy kit to get built & running too...Can't wait to see it/them.
