4mm Llanfair ....


Western Thunderer
Space at the back of the goods shed was found this morning when I discovered the base of the backscene had not been screwed and could be pushed back to the shed frame. Temporary track into shed shown...
WEB Llanfair trial 6B.jpg

In addition, the signalman has a clear view past the shed wall...
WEB Llanfair trial 6.jpg


Western Thunderer
Space at the back of the goods shed was found this morning when I discovered the base of the backscene had not been screwed and could be pushed back to the shed frame. Temporary track into shed shown...
View attachment 155872

In addition, the signalman has a clear view past the shed wall...
View attachment 155873
Typical of railways Larry , making a land grab . So how many extra acres did you aquire when you pushed the backscene ?
Cheers Paul


Western Thunderer
Oh dear Larry, what make was the laser cut kit?
It wouldn't be fair to say, but I think all laser cut staircases are the same. Even an etched brass staircase of the same assembly would be awkward to assemble. This is where a one-piece plastic or 3D moulded staircase would come in, but sales in the UK probably wouldn't warrant such an item. (I was so used to looking at laser-cut signal boxes that I completely overlooked the older plastic products).

I had no use for box on the layout and it was cheaper to throw it out than my hair. :thumbs:
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Western Thunderer
Spare time and sunlight have been a rare commodity of late, so this is a catch up on the final GWR coach to "enter service" at Llanfair for this winter. The D127 is a brake third version of the all third next to it. These late 1930's coaches are without doubt my favourite designs. You might note it is rather cleaner than the others...
WEB GWR D127 6.jpg

Llanfair Road was designed around a station for five coach trains, the result being the layout was nearly all station. Later ideas have gone for shorter trains. So while the track cannot be altered very much, the platform length can be shortened to make a more compact terminus.....
WEB GWR D127 6B.jpg
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Western Thunderer
I thought I would share my 'messing around' with members seeing as observations often help me make up my mind. Not being a signalman, I am not sure if a clear view of the line is important at a branch terminus. I presume footplate crews wishing to leave the goods shed & carriage siding could phone the box informing the signalman. The nearer carriage is positioned to show me where the track into the shed will be. (Pieces of paper denote signal box and cattle dock)....
WEB Llanfair trial 7.jpg

An alternative position for the signal box here. Collecting or ditching the single line token would entail some leg work. Aesthetically, I thought the platform looked bare without the box, which is why I cannot make my mind up on this move.....
WEB Llanfair Trial 7C.jpg
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Western Thunderer
Presumably, in addition to visibility, the length of point rodding and signal cable runs would also influence the cabin’s position. The cabin on or near the platform would also interfere with the natural position of an end-loading dock.
It’s your layout but, for me, the big goods shed competes too much visually with the rather fine station building close by and squeezes out the signal cabin.


Western Thunderer

I assume you will want to run more than one locomotive on the branch at a time which means the signalman will have greater responsibility and will need a clear view of operations. Otherwise, with only one loco (as on the Shipston branch) you wouldn’t need a signal box at all, just a point frame. So I would go with the plan that has no blind spots.

I don’t have my Branch Lines around Oswestry book with me but from what I remember, most stations had their signal box on the platform, assuming operations needed a signal box. In some cases these doubled up as a level crossing box, typically at the end of the platform adjacent to a road, but I digress.

I think it might also be handy to have one or more Whistle boards on the layout!


Western Thunderer
Diafly, Thanks for that. A plank of timber is representing the platform and there is no end loading there. The end loading facility is opposite the very end of the station. But I get what you mean and squeezing out the tiny signal box is worth looking at. Even in the few hours since i posted, the ground-mounted signal box has grown on me.


Western Thunderer
Focalplane, Good point about two locos at the terminus at one time. It is these kind of comments (Diafly too), which I hadn't considered, that help me make up my mind. The larger signalbox purchased last week (and scrapped) was intended to be ground-mounted, but I think the box off the platform will suffice. It also means the goods shed wall needs only the statutory clearance from the running line thus leaving more room at the back for lorries and some kidology with the scenics.
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Western Thunderer
I think the box away from the station and goods shed looks better. Would give a much improved view of the area. Different railway of course but the LSWR put the box in just that position at Bodmin North. I suspect that the new position would be better for rodding runs etc.


Western Thunderer
Pencarrow (Chris). Thanks, I missed this earlier. I looked at Bodmin General tonight and there are similarities in the trackwork. After viewing the past few weeks images, the final image is the standout winner with the signal box in its new position. And to think it all started by accident when the goods shed was dumped at the back of the layout out of the way while I photographed coaches. :)
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Phil O

Western Thunderer

There would probably be a boarded crossing from the bottom of the steps to the "mainline" running rail closest to the box for the bobby to safely collect and issue the token.