
  1. Bill Bedford

    Trade Mousa Models

    I've just put up a new website, and the idea of this one is that it will only contain models that I can produce in a reasonable time. There is a redirect from the original site, but it may give a 404 if you are expecting a particular page.
  2. G

    7mm Layout "Little Mill"

    Hello all, I have started a new 7mm layout in the Garage with a minimum radius of 6ft single track circle with a small yard off. Boards are complete, 9mm ply with soft wood supports. It will be DCC, out of reach points operated with Cobalt slow action motors and those within reach in the yard...
  3. G

    Another 7mm newcomer and the layout

    Hello all, I am starting a new 7mm LNER layout in the garage, baseboards built and track roughly laid out. Baseboards 9mm ply with a covering of floor underlay which will hopefully deaden the noise, Peco track wired for DCC, Cobalt point motors and levers. Wiring starts tomorrow here beyond the...
  4. M

    New South Wales Railways rolling stock.

    Following on from a discussion that can be found on the Crane Tank thread I have started this thread to stop the other topic being hijacked and going away from the original theme. Just before Christmas Last year I was contacted by a customer in NSW Australia enquiring about the possibility or...
  5. dibateg

    The Derby Line DMR K1

    It was time for a break from track making, and in the 'to do' queue is a DMR K1 that needs finishing for a friend. The chassis and the basic body have been completed , so the first task was a cleanup, and then on with the detailing. For a modern engine there are lots of outside pipes, it s nice...
  6. Al Tait

    MIOG LIVE 24/25 Oct 2020 - MIOG Trade Show 28 March 2021 - MIOG Exhibition 23/34 October 2021

    We're pleased to announce our Road-map for the next 18 months and its an exciting action packed one. MIOG LIVE Starting off with MIOG Live on the 24th/25th October 2020, we'll be hosting a 2 day online live event from Simon Georges Heaton Lodge Layout. You'll be able to watch all of this from...
  7. wenlock

    7mm Sherton Abbas

    Evening all, I thought by way of an introduction I'd post some pictures taken during the construction of my layout Sherton Abbas. I've had a blog on "another railway modelling forum" for some time now, but been persuaded to post my ramblings on Western Thunder. Its rather photo heavy, but...
  8. Al Tait

    High Street (A working Title)

    Well, I wrote a whole load of spiel here about the background for our new layout, the idea behind it and all sorts but I have just lost it all so tough, I may come back and add some details another time. That'll teach me to write straight into a forum rather than do my usual trick for long...
  9. John Duffy

    John’s Workbench

    The last few days have seen some new wagons coming off the workbench. Now added to the stock for Rosehearty. LNER vans LNER open and ex MR open John
  10. Brian T

    7mm Parkers sidings

    Whilst i`ve been casting about deciding what to do next after having two failed attempt`s at layouts already,i came across a box in the loft that i`d built to use in the RMJ cameo competition,which like the layouts mentioned never got off the ground either!. So with that and the purchase of a...
  11. I

    Darstaed Mk1 dis-assembly

    I am trying to dismantle a Darstaed Mk1 BG. The interior lighting makes it am ideal candidate for interior detailing, I also want to add a decoder to control lighting features & I need to get the pickup bogie off in order to alter the wheels to Scale7, but this seems to be held to the body by...
  12. Peter Cross

    7mm Pete’s GWR workbench. Dean's goods. RR R1 class 0-6-2T

    As I have a few West Western locos coming up thought I'd make an appropriate area for them. After being away from the bench for nearly 4 months. I seem to have some mojo back. But to to make sure it stays I started a straight forward kit. It's a Javelin Dean's goods. Not sure of number as yet...
  13. vonmarshall

    Who makes the best 7mm GWR coach kits now?

    I have decided to start to build some GWR coaches for my planned garden railway. I have about 10 year until my children grow up and I can take back over the part of the garden that is currently filled with a trampline and climbing frame and I have a plan for a lovely long S curve to sit and...
  14. Sandy Harper

    7mm GWR (?) 15XX kit build

    This series of photographs shows the complexity of some parts of the kit. The cylinder attachment consists of a cylinder spacer with 'handed'cylinder 'attachment brackets' to obtain the correct 15 degree slope of the cylinders and the front and rear cylinder faces. The casting, that sits under...
  15. Dikitriki

    Sebastopol, an F7, S7 interlude

    Hi, Out of my comfort zone, this one. Great Western, and broad gauge to boot! I've been beetling away on this around other projects, but it's time to bring it into the open. The tender chassis is pretty straightforward. Compensated, and with wheels from Slater's to S7 standard. The brake...
  16. PaulR

    7mm Terrier - Take Two

    I'm going to blame Gordon Gravett for this. He did a talk recently at Pendon Museum on 'The Art of Compromise' and had Arun Quay running there with two terriers made from the old Vulcan kits. Let's face it, Arun Quay is the business - and terriers are just about my favourite locomotive! I...
  17. georgeT

    georgeT's (7mm Workbench)

    Hi Guys thought l would open a workbench thread to show my scratch building efforts at the moment l am scratching an LSWR T9 with eight wheeled water cart 30338 in BR lined black..
  18. dibateg

    Mitchell/MM1 6814 Enborne Grange

    I've come here as its a good place for this one to sit... I'm on with a new project, a JLTRT Grange, originally a Mitchell kit and now sold by Laurie Lynch of MM1 models. For various reasons I've started with the tender. It's pretty well the original Mitchell instructions, so you need to know...
  19. John Duffy


    Just a quick note to say hello and introduce myself. I suspect I am rather late to find this site but saw it mentioned on the GOG forum and recognised a number of familiar layouts, names and faces. I'm currently modelling a station on a Great North of Scotland planned branch line in 7mm. The...
  20. Giles

    Giles' misc. Work bench.

    I've been doing some small bits and pieces recently - not directly layout related, but this one I thought I would try to see how possible it was. It's not complete, but its mostly there..... It's a Duncan's Models Aveling Porter Road Loco (1:43) which I wanted to see if it would be possible to...