Hi all, I happened upon this page whilst researching wagons and it looks great. Thought I’d share my efforts. After some 25 years away from the hobby I was tempted back after sacking off the corporate world and starting up a summertime business putting up bell tents for weddings and events. With several months at my disposal every year and a garage with space I decided to get back into the hobby. I am working on a representation of Cymmer, deep in the western valleys of South Wales. I’d love to have recreated it as was but sadly lacked the 40 odd feet of space required. Having lived in a house overlooking the former station as a teenager including the famous ‘Refresh’ pub I set about recreating some of the structures and integrating them into a layout representative of the area. I’ve a lot to learn, mainly to plan then do rather than do and then panic!! On the whole though I’m pleased with it thus far and have learnt a lot ready for the next layout whatever that may be!! The layout is DCC, ( something else that happened during my hobby break!), track work is Peco bullhead and all buildings/structures are scratch built. I’ve popped on some photos so far. Obviously it’ll never be finished!!