7mm Millicent Street

Just viewed this from start to finish. Fantastic. Dare I be nit picker? There are several mentions of Hull phone boxes, but I've not seen a telegraph pole or drop wire to any TK or premises. As some places were cluttered with wires, both the railways own and 'town' ones, has the odd pair here or there been considered feasible, without getting in the way of the layout?


Western Thunderer
Poles have been made (and were done a few years back!) by one of our group who is a former Hull telephones engineer. They will be one of the last things to get installed to stop getting broken.
Actually there is one on the layout by the coal office


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Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Recent chance to see the almost finished pair of shops in place on the layout.

Now you have the buildings in situ will other everyday features start to appear such a street lights, H and X type television aerials (including the cable from the aerial down the roof and into the building)?


Western Thunderer
I'm not usually a fan of things like "Best in Show" trophies and suchlike - but if this layout doesn't win top prize at every Show it goes to, then there is no justice in the world .....
To be honest, we aren't that fussed about them either. We don't build layouts to win trophies. We do it for the fun and challenge of it. Plus, the interaction with the public and other modellers at shows.

For all the popularity of our previous layouts 'Walker Marine' and 'Hospital Gates'. Plus the amount of positive comment, their respective designs and presentation attracted. Neither won very much in the way of awards in all the time we exhibited them.


Western Thunderer
Can I be the pedantic one to point out that the Grantham shop sign has a typo?

Stationary means it’s not moving, which probably apt for a building like a shop.
Stationery is all the pens and paper and envelopes and stuff.

I already have my coat. Where’s the nearest exit? :oops:
Not that mis-spelt shop signs are unknown in real life. Here’s one I saw in Berwick-upon-Tweed a few weeks ago:


There’s an authenticity to having a badly written shop sign. A few unnecessary possessive apostrophes would add additional verisimilitude.

Your building is wonderful.