Yet more thievery

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
My beef is with the law enforcement officers who respond with “well, you have insurance, don’t you?” That is not the point, is it? Insurance costs rise, the police get a raise when nurses don’t and who do you think pays for the increases. Either way we are screwed.

Ordinarily I wouldn't comment on posts such as this but, really ?

Your comment is frankly irrelevant and appears to have no basis in fact.

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Western Thunderer
Please, chaps, let's not have any politics or in fighting about this. From my personal perspective the situation is tragic but, at the end of day, no-one's dead. My report is about a bad situation and is presented as such.


Martin Shaw

Western Thunderer
I have been on the receiving end of this type of theft, the fortunately unmachined replacement axleboxes for 419 were stolen along with other non ferrous components, and without in any way diminishing the criminal activity we did as a necessity greatly improve our storage security. The Boscastle chaps have my sympathy but I do wonder whether low grade locking things away might not have helped. The problem is the inevitable, if we spend on adequate security a chunk of the funds is then not usable for new bits, hence a tendency to be a bit lackadaisical. Obviously I have no knowledge of the specifics of this, I hope some or all of the stolen parts may eventually return.

Len Cattley

Western Thunderer
Unfortunately there is no justice now, you get a slap on the wrist and prison doesn't work. I think they should be put in old people homes and the old people in prison, they would be better looked after. When they find them they should be put in the stocks with a note underneath explaining what they did, I don't think they would do it again.



Flying Squad
Please, chaps, let's not have any politics or in fighting about this. From my personal perspective the situation is tragic but, at the end of day, no-one's dead. My report is about a bad situation and is presented as such.

I concur, please stick to facts not supposition and support those who need it. I think we all have our own “solutions” to the problem but this will be decisive. Rather than meting out summary justice, there are other more suitable social media platforms for that, I’d prefer to keep this area an oasis of calm or escape room. Echoing the forum ethos of making things and positive constructive comments.


Western Thunderer
Grrrrrrrrrr, doesn't it just make you annoyed that certain people in society have nothing better to do than steal from others :rant::mad:


Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
In Britain, we allow some potentially dangerous and damaging activities, like owning a shot gun or a car or a betting shop or indeed a scrap metal operation, and in each case we use a licensing system to help to regulate them. So, maybe the licencing system will help recovery.

But the perpetrators may be unaware of the harm they are causing beyond the scrap value. They may actually need the £1000 scrap because a change in personal circumstances like employment or the cost of food has outstripped their ability to cope with it.

So if the railway can view their loss the way I postulate the thieves view their gain, perhaps offering an amnesty would bring the result really wanted, the parts for the loco.

I still laughed at the sketch from Mel Smith et al.


Western Thunderer
CCTV would seem to be a good investment perhaps. [shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted]



Western Thunderer
Thanks for the thoughts about security, chaps.

I can't speak for the absolute security of the parts store, but there are certainly CCTV cameras around the site. In view of the very precise timing of the raid I reckon the thieves must have been studying the site for a long while. The possibility of an "inside job" doesn't bear thinking about...... In fact it's most unlikely as some of the items stolen have low scrap value although they look bright and shiny.
