What to do next


Western Thunderer
As the title says "what to do next"

Some modellers spend a lifetime dedicated to one thing, others of us flit from one thing to another and I'm the latter. As the nights start to draw in and the garden becomes less hospitable my thoughts are turning to change.

This is my shed as it is now.


On the main level a folded dogbone of modern image scenic N gauge that crosses over what, for N, is a massive curved viaduct. The work surface in front of the viaduct is removable and the theory was it only gets put in when working, but in reality it hasn't been out all summer, while big locos have been built on it. On the right is my G scale indoor module that sits over the non scenic half of the N gauge.

Under the left bench, 2 On30 modules are hiding and haven't seen the light of day since a show in Dukinfield.
On the floor under the viaduct is some more G scale stock. On a pull out shelf under the right baseboard is a stock of OO locos coaches and DMUs, but I don't have a OO layout at the moment !

Its all getting a bit out of hand and I have more unused stuff than used stuff !!!

My thoughts are forget the N, I've tried it and it does fill a need to watch a train in the countryside running non-stop with no intervention, but doesn't offer much modelling potential for me really.

The On30 is unlikely to get used now I have retired from the On30 module based forum, so could go.

Since enjoying building large G scale locos, the idea of a small indoor shunting layout in G is a bit redundant as it was designed for 0-4-0 s really !! and  again I cant see me ever exhibiting it.

So going forward what am I to do.
I'm tempted to get rid of the viaduct and make a large permanent work bench across the back wall. I could then have an end to end layout from one side of the shed to the other connected by a hidden curve section under the new work bench. But what scale, OO perhaps. A modern image station on both sides, non DCC so I could have an automated reverse and return for DMU's so I could watch and not play ?

Shelves on the back wall, to display my growing G scale stock..

So many ideas and such a limited space and budget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm posting more to help me decide but any thoughts are always welcome :)


I think it depends on whether you want to make an individual item ie rolling stock or something, more layout based. At the speed you work at the former will be a short project compared to a layout. I vote for a 'bubble car' Simon will have to get on with his then  ;D


Mid-Western Thunderer
28ten said:
At the speed you work at the former will be a short project compared to a layout.
Don't bet on it... John didn't mention the OO layout he used to have in this shed... ;D ;D ;D It was the sort of thing that would've taken some of us years to do, but it came & went within, what, two years, John..?? ;)

I'd certainly have a good clear-out; it'd help raise funds for whatever you decide to do next... I'm sure we could all make suggestions, based on our own preferences... :) :-X


Western Thunderer
Hi John,

I agree with Jordan, have a clearout, let the dust settle while you think of what is going to replace the present set-up(s) and then go for it - big time.




Mid-Western Thunderer
rjr said:
This OO layout ? :)

Ahhh... happy memories.... :)

Go on, John - post that "All Time Great" photo you took on that layout; the "Evening DMU" one in the tunnel portal... show these large scale guys that the small stuff can look good too.... ;D 8) ;)