Thank you Chas. To reframe is not an issue. I guess the grain actually adds a bit of atmosphere.
Thanks too, Roger and Malc. My memory is of A4 Miles Beevor at Kings Cross. Every time I visited.... Having got fed up with seeing it I was mortified where it was scrapped.
B1 61210 with an unidentified 08 shunting with another unidentified 08 on the left and in the distance an unidentified Class 24 (apologies, Heather

) at Haringay West in April 1963. The second shot misses the left hand 08 and the 24. 61210 was a New England engine in 1963 until it moved to Colwick in October. Later it went to Doncaster from where it was withdrawn in December 1965. (SLS). It ended up at Drapers in Hull where it was scrapped in March 1966. (BR Database).
Another of 60107 Royal Lancer at Kings Cross in April 1963 last seen in post #2013. This completes the set. To repeat the previous info it was at Kings Cross Shed from October 1960, thence to Grantham in June 1963 from where it was withdrawn at the beginning of September the same year. It was disposed of at Doncaster Works the following month. That's just four months to withdrawal and the loco looks in super condition in these photos.
Yorkie Dave pointed out:
Interesting sequence of the three photos showing the departure of the Glasgow train from the adjacent platform with very clean Mk 1 coaches. Together with the drifting steam accentuated by the slow shutter speed thereby adding atmosphere.
The Glasgow train can narrow down the approx time the photo was taken. After checking the 1963 timetable I can only find one direct train from KX to Glasgow shown in bold typeface.
This being the 12.00 noon Sundays only departure - assuming it's not an ECS from an earlier arrival, however for this the roof boards would be reversed i.e. Glasgow - Kings Cross. Also note the relatively deserted platforms.
The remainder of the KX non-Pullman daytime departures (below) show the Glasgow arrival time in a light typeface implying it was an onward connecting service.
8.00 am The Talisman
10.00 am The Flying Scotsman
11.00 am un-named train
2.00 pm The Heart of Midlothian
4.00 pm The Talisman
10.00 am The Flying Scotsman
10.10 am un-named train
11.00 am un-named train
2.00 pm The Heart of Midlothian
SUN - all un-named trains
10.00 am
11.00 am
12.00 noon - my money would be on this one as described above.
2.00 pm
...and then from Martin...
There is I feel a marked connection between the pictures of "Minoru", IMGs 1695/6/7 and "Royal Lancer" IMGs 1701/2/3. and that is that both show a class 2 train hauled by a pacific locomotive which is relatively unusual, and the rolling stock being pulled. I've commented on the first but looking at the train behind 60107 it seems to be 6 vehicles, assuming a loco at the far end, which all appear to be Mk1 suburban stock. The nearest is a short underframe Second Lav Open of which there were only 27 and at either the GN or the LT&S, next looks like a Brake Second and then what could well be a Compo Lav, the pattern of footboards rather dictates that it isn't a BS or S or SO. The last three vehicles are not identifiable but two lav vehicle marshalled like that suggests a scratch set, all stations to Welwyn maybe. It could well be a Sunday as Dave thinks, and the fact that it was still at Top Shed is perhaps a pointer to it's external condition, in contrast to Minoru from New England.
The one and only 60103 Flying Scotsman at Potters Bar in February 1963. Could it even be Alan Pegler waving from the cab? It was withdrawn on 14th January 1963 so I just wonder if this was taken on the day of withdrawal and Tim just has the month wrong. But I always was an incurable romantic.....