The unexpected final touch...

Scubaidh Dubh

Active Member
I've had a Hornby J36 and 2MT on the weathering bench for a while now and as happens occasionally, I found there was something missing that was just keeping them back from looking finished to my eye.
As I discussed on the AK Weathering pencils thread, I came across the ludicrously simple method of highlighting modelsIMG-20240603-WA0015.jpegIMG-20240603-WA0016.jpegIMG_20240603_235352.jpgIMG_20240603_235225.jpgIMG_20240603_235455.jpg using a 2b pencil.
The idea was simple enough so I gave it a try and sure enough, it provided that last little nudge to the finish on the two locos that finally in my own eyes, brought them to life.
They still need crews, coal and a couple of small parts but they do look the business now if it's not too egotistic to think so!

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Yep, great for any raised detail. I've also used white weathering powder, very sparingly I may add to highlight edges as per the J70 below. Bolt heads and lampirons "pencilled in" then sealed with varnish. Also the raised detail on the backhead was picked out using a pencil.




Western Thunderer
The J36 looks very nice indeed. It passes my test for weathering: can you see how the weathering was done? If not, then you have a winner.

The problem might be how durable the pencil is. And if you have to varnish over it to stop it coming off on your hands, then the varnish might spoil the dusty look of the graphite...

I'd say the J36 also needs some other colours too - in the coal space (as you have on the 2MT), inside and outside the coal rails and the reddish/orangey colours under the footplate - I use Humbrol flesh as a first coat. You probably have The Last Days of Scottish Steam in Full Colour (Tuffrey) and The Last Years of Scottish Steam in Colour (Dunn) but if not they're very good sources for weathering photos.

Where are you modelling that you can have a Dunfermline loco and a Hawick loco together?

65320 was a VB fitted, right? - can't remember if the Hornby body has the vac. ejector pipe along the boiler.

You might be interested in my model of 68101 coming together here:

Scubaidh Dubh

Active Member
That's a lovely Y9 you have there. Scratchbuilt?

As for the juxtaposition of the above locos, I have had a long relationship with the Waverley Route so 78047 remains as supplied.
65320 is a bit more arbitrary, having just been an appropriate renumber for the Hornby loco in unaltered physical condition. I have done 65288 and 65345 in their last years also.
I'm now after the boxed safety valve casting to do yet another variation!
None of these locos are appropriate for Aberdeen or surroundings numbered like this but I like them

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Western Thunderer
That's a lovely Y9 you have there. Scratchbuilt?
Thank you. Yes, hacked into life from scratch...
I have had a long relationship with the Waverley Route so 78047 remains as supplied.
I've thought for a long time of doing Sunilaws - not that far from the Waverley.
I'm now after the boxed safety valve casting to do yet another variation!
Yes, it's an important feature for NB locos. Do you know of any castings? There's one in the 52F kit for the C16 and C15, but it doesn't have many right angles in it. In fact, none. Easier to do from scratch?