The lost cause - two very old kits

Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
The lost cause(s)

In the back of the cupboard there is a bag of bits from two Pola kits that were sold as 'quite good' unfortunately this was a rather optimistic epithet.

The Agenturgebäude is the better of the two kits and this is an attempt to recover them from oblivion. There are other pieces still to be found but the chimney is long gone, the station building is being rebuilt simply because it needs to be saved.

This is the other building, it is in dire need of help, both are a challenge but as they are not 'essential' there is room for new techinques and maybe a change in direction?




Tim Hale

Western Thunderer

After a great deal of rubbing and scraping with some very odd tools, the old glue has largely been removed. There is damage but as the image of Pfarrweisach reveals, the state of the building is not inappropriate.


The yellowing crud has been removed from the windows and a couple of pieces of new glass fitted, the exterior walls have been painted with Decor Art acrylic Burnt Umber. The base cleaned up really well, the lobby sub-assembly has also been cleaned and the doors replaced. It has been attached to the base to create a strong structure for the rather flimsy shell of the building.


Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
The loco shed is definitely the worst of the two buildings, some serious dismantling is needed before repairs can be attempted. Innovate solutions were needed and the small folding knife has finally found its métier.



A piece of wooden siding (evergreen?) will be needed to replace the missing end, at least 85x90mm who offers something suitable, help please.

The inspiration for this is the old loco shed at Kößlarn



Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
The station building has come out well.

Pola in their time produced some nice buildings of which some have been reintoduced into the Faller range (who acquired Pola).

Thank you, Yorkshire Dave, the signage is perfect.

Having the correct typeface/font makes all the difference.

Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
Desparate situations call for desparate measures, the badly applied weathering will not come off with thinners etc. The solution is Jif aka liquid bathroom cleaner, scouring pad is ideal, although not perfect, it has removed the worst of the filth. The lower images shows some improvement.
Not there yet but early days......maybe some 'Pink Stuff' next?



Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
Cleaning the kit has involved such basic techniques as a nail brush with hot water and liquid soap plus a dish scourer (scotchbrite) and Jif/Bar Keepers Friend…plus lots of elbow grease. Surprisingly satisfying and almost effective, the unscrubbed far side is a bit darker than the near side. All the crud came off the windows with the nailbrush, lovely jubly, mum would have approved.


Whilst washing off the abrasive cleaner, the assembly simply broke apart and the opportunity was taken to clean the corners so that braces will be installed to strengthen the joints.
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Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
Evergreen clapboard siding EG 4101 will replace the missing rear wall, the kit is only two sides and a front, the rear was covered by the rather odd building, the added bonus is Evergreen sticks to polystyrene kits.

Once all four walls are complete and the building is a shell, all the missing pieces will be replaced with styrene sections and the gaps filled.

The finish will be largely as it emerged from the factory, albeit without the messy weathering, the concept was to reuse as much as possible from the original kits.

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Tim Hale

Western Thunderer

The 'missing' end has been cut to size from Evergreen clapboard and a strip of masonry base from the scrap 'cottage' has been cut although it needs trimming to length. A length of 7mm square plastic will be cut equally into four pieces to reinforce the corners of the shed, it will be assembled tomorrow and left for 24hrs to set.


Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
All the four corner reinforcements are in place as is the masonary wall at the far end, the glue has hardend and the wooden clapboard wall is in place.

Not perfect, still lots of repairs to do but it is progressing. The missing bits of 'fachwerke' at the far end were due to the overhang of the 'cottage' and like the clapboard wall, they will need to be made from scratch, maybe some bits of coffee stir sticks?


Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
The hole above the door in the front wall is repaired with an offcut of Faller sprue, real waste bin modelling. The two other images are just to see if it looks OK, the roof is currently under drastic repair.

I have absolutely no control of the peculiar formating of this post.





Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
The roof is undergoing repair, a Ratio industrial set is the source of parts for repairing the chimney BUT some thin, pre-blackened wire is needed for the bracing…..any ideas? Brass is too soft, preferably steel. The anchoring ‘eyes’ will be bodged from tiny fish hooks…..I have no qualms about bodging where necessary.


Not sure if I have the ability to repaint the stucco without ruining the wooden framework, at least it is much, much lighter now that the ‘weathering’ has been removed.

Also considering titivating the rather plain bits of the overhanging ends of the roof, I have no idea what they are called, although someone will know.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Rather than repaint the stucco I would just apply a few thin paint washes of an ochre or colours pertaining to the locale and let some of the original patina grin through. This could be wiped off the wooden framework as you proceed.

Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
Rather than total makeover, the Pola kit simply needed to be restored and gently updated by the removal of the odd ‘cottage’ whilst creating a new rear wall, most of this has been achieved.

This is a catalog image of Pola 601



As found in a carrier bag destined for the dustbin. I consider the ‘rescue’ to be worthwhile and an opportunity to regain some semblance of confidence with tools.

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Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
The chimney is restored to its full glory, the missing pieces of fachwerke are replaced and it looks pretty good.

Still a few bits to do, the doors have been installed, some more details and a simple touch-up of paint both inside and out. Otherwise, it is ready to be used.



Tim Hale

Western Thunderer
As a nod to Pola, I tried to keep it as original as possible, the modifications reflect the damage and sheer number of missing components. It remains the only single road locoshed of Bavarian origin available to modellers, which in itself is both sad and rather surprising.

Pottendorf, is finally replete with all the larger structures needed, a new ‘cube’ station building is coming along and will appear in due course.



Active Member
Regarding the bracing wires. How about using black thread soaked in PVA/diluted epoxy then hung at a height with a weight at the other end til it dries straight vertical and hard then cut to length…..just a thought . John.