Captain Kernow
Western Thunderer
Thanks Tim and Rodney, most interesting.
My control panels these days always feature a fixed, panel-mounted controller and a plug for a hand-held. So far, I have always fitted a bog standard Gaugemaster panel-mounted controller, non-feedback and used an AMR hand-held. The panel-mounted controller is normally there just as a back-up at a show, although there are a small number of my locos that prefer it.
This is the most recent - for 'Bethesda Sidings' - shown sitting on top of the base board, when the layout was still under construction, prior to being mounted on the front edge:

I may now investigate a panel-mounted PICtroller in llieu of the Gaugemaster...
My layouts aren't really big enough to use the fancy braking stuff!
My control panels these days always feature a fixed, panel-mounted controller and a plug for a hand-held. So far, I have always fitted a bog standard Gaugemaster panel-mounted controller, non-feedback and used an AMR hand-held. The panel-mounted controller is normally there just as a back-up at a show, although there are a small number of my locos that prefer it.
This is the most recent - for 'Bethesda Sidings' - shown sitting on top of the base board, when the layout was still under construction, prior to being mounted on the front edge:

I may now investigate a panel-mounted PICtroller in llieu of the Gaugemaster...
My layouts aren't really big enough to use the fancy braking stuff!