4mm Sumwear in England..........

Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Some time back, due to a spell of particularly bad health accompanied by a modest element of depression, not to mention together with a very damaging attack on my Whatborough layout - I was required to restrict my modelling activities somewhat, particularly in outdoor locations. As followers of my Wodorf thread in Area 51 will have seen, I have slowly got back in to the swing of things and certain conclusions were reached about the future of the shed layout.

Whatborough - well the damaging attack this time was not by the Luftwaffe, but by full size wasps who found a delight in completely wrecking the station building by eating away the surface in multiple patches. Strangely enough, they only desecrated the one building which finished up by looking as if it had been liberally spattered with a brush full of white paint and was completely beyond reasonable rectification. I treated the shed interior with a powerful insect repellent which so far seems to have done the trick. As is known I am an inveterate user of Metcalfe kits as these items build in to far better items than I could scratch build these days - arthritis has a lot to answer for, believe me!

After some initial depression about the situation, I found I could not bring myself to just scrap the whole thing - after all I had put in a lot of time and trouble with the layout and the theme and period suited my requirements for what I wanted my model railway to represent. It is totally freelance of course, but the original layout's place name is factual as is the area. So Whatborough had to be reborn and renamed to a totally fictional title - that, hopefully would allow my imaginary little world to thrive but with a modified and hopefully better prospect. The final decision reached was a modest revision, the provision of a locomotive shed as a small servicing point, plus the neccessary minor track modifications, and, in the best traditions of free-lancing , the name-change! So, the engine shed was built and then the necessary lifting and relaying of track, plus wiring was carried out. The new identity became Pence East Goods - I'm sure the link can be seen - and there are no passenger facilities whatsoever. The era still remains in wartime England about 1944-ish. At present the work done is very basic but the picture will show where I am hoping to go with this.

The next jobs are to finish the minor detailing of the shed and source components to build the servicing aspect of the loco siding and head-shunt, plus ballasting the track. This was a job I had been putting off on the original layout and when the circumstances arose requiring these amendments, I was heartily glad it was still on the 'to do' list. No excuse for not getting on with it now, though :rolleyes:.

I hope that this amended project will give some entertainment, perhaps even some amusement and I will try to be reasonably regular with progress reports in the coming months. Thanks for reading this.

Roger ;).
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Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
Nice to see you are modeling again Roger, yes keep posting and enjoy.
Pesky wasps...have you ever used fake wasp nests...we have in Spain and also traps with a sugary syrup inside.
I know it is easy to say but now we try to get the nest in early spring and they seem to go away.
All the best

Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Thanks for the tip, Julian. I understand that wasps never nest twice in the same place, so I'm just hoping the shed will be 'off limits' , aided by the residue of the insecticide, for a season or two.


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Following my spending a great deal of what modelling time has passed, most of which was spent on my H0e layout for reasons quite fully explained in my latest post there, I have not been able to achieve a great deal at Pence East Goods. On the down side some further but thankfully minor insect damage on two of my Metcalfe models was located, but I think can be reasonably dealt with. I am wondering if a light coat of clear varnish may provide a 'final solution' to coin a well known phrase. We shall see :confused:.

Looking on the bright side - the LNER contingent has seen the arrival of a Sonic A5 tank engine. A personal favourite of mine following many fine runs on the Nottingham -Rugby semi-fasts along the old Great Central main line in my younger days. Pedants and Realists may insist that seeing an A5 that far north in the time period I model is not really accurate. My response - Rule One applies , mate! As an aside, I must say the model is superb in every respect, too :thumbs:.

As the layout develops in it's new identity, so it's location drifts from High Leicestershire more towards the South Midlands. Sort of Woodford-ish. This opens the door for access by both the LMS and GWR motive power to appear, but an increase in former GC types too. The supply of LMS locos is currently available from my stock, but GWR - well - the age of miracles may not be past, but don't hold your breath :rolleyes:. Whatever the loco, though, basic service facilities are now available at a fully operational shed at Pence East. Comprising a 'Knightwing' white metal kit - a bit of a novelty for me as I don't normally get on with metal kits at all well - of a generic water crane, plus sundry other appropriate bits and bobs which have now been fixed on site. Ballasting remains undone as it was better that these items were secured to enable a more 'grounded' finish when the ballast is applied. I am hoping to give Pence East more time now, so hopefully I should be able to report further progress before too long, health permitting. Meanwhile - what do you think of it so far? Er - no, don't answer that......:oops:.

I think it must be lens distortion on my simple camera - the water crane is plumb vertical, honest :)!


Roger :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Apologies for being late to the party, Roger, but I’m pleased to see that an improvement in health - and weather ;) - has seen increased activity on the modelling front once more. I’m saddened to learn of the winding down of Wodorf, so to speak, but juggling a number of balls at once increases in difficulty for us all as we mature , so I think concentrating on the one subject in the form of ‘Pence’ is the way forward: I should heed my own advice!

I think the water crane looks the part, Roger, with plenty of fine detail apparent, and I especially like the saggy hose:thumbs:

I don’t doubt for a second that it’s plumb, Roger, having had similar experiences with shots of my semaphores, leading me to recheck for squareness etc once I’ve taken the shot; darned cameras :mad:

I’m also taking note of the cork below the track, especially since I’m thinking of building a child’s oval, with the inevitable annoying noise the trains make as they whizz round the track.

To answer your question, I think it’s a great start, Roger, both aesthetically and ‘historically’, and the setting as you write, allows for a wonderful mix of stock, and is a nod to your experience of the real thing and modelling.

As for semantics, if somebody wishes to stick their head above the parapet, then of course feel free to do so, but don’t get a bee in your bonnet, I say, if in turn you’re posed the question: ‘shows us yours then, mate!’ ;)

Looking forward to more.


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Since my last post, life , health-wise has been rather trying again to put it mildly :rolleyes:. Time is inevitably ticking on and as a result one has also to accept that whilst remaining sound on a mental level (I think......:confused:), physically one tends to tire both more easily and much faster - well, I do anyway :oops:! Thus, although some relatively insignificant detail and repair work has been done at Pence there is little to report at present.

As a result of some serious discussion with my good lady, who has always been very supportive respecting my hobby, I have decided to abandon my future 00 plans and dispose of the bulk of my entire stock. WT is not the place, nor this the thread upon which to expand on that - the Trade will no doubt benefit ,I expect, as I do neither deal on or like a certain 'bay'. Should any fellow member of WT evince an interest - the stock is all BR era's 4/5 - send me a pm.

Thus, I will endeavour to improve Pence as time goes on and submit the odd photo or two - it could be a laugh.....;).


Roger :thumbs:.


Western Thunderer
Since my last post, life , health-wise has been rather trying again to put it mildly :rolleyes:. Time is inevitably ticking on and as a result one has also to accept that whilst remaining sound on a mental level (I think......:confused:), physically one tends to tire both more easily and much faster - well, I do anyway :oops:! Thus, although some relatively insignificant detail and repair work has been done at Pence there is little to report at present.

As a result of some serious discussion with my good lady, who has always been very supportive respecting my hobby, I have decided to abandon my future 00 plans and dispose of the bulk of my entire stock. WT is not the place, nor this the thread upon which to expand on that - the Trade will no doubt benefit ,I expect, as I do neither deal on or like a certain 'bay'. Should any fellow member of WT evince an interest - the stock is all BR era's 4/5 - send me a pm.

Thus, I will endeavour to improve Pence as time goes on and submit the odd photo or two - it could be a laugh.....;).


Roger :thumbs:.

Good luck, Roger, and I hope you achieve a fair price for your models :thumbs:


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer

Following my last post, Pence East has lain in more or less suspended (or total lack of ) animation. My stock situation has been modified and most of the BR lettered stock is now for disposal, including the two Type 2 diesels which were to be available for some 'post war'running..:eek:! Odd locos, in particular a Fowler 4F 0-6-0 and 4P 2-6-4T have been retained and the 4F has already been 'sorted' and reverted to LMS lettering and number. The 4P tank will require a lot more labour to become an LMS locomotive once more - but given time.......;).

Some test running was done at Pence and it was found that there was a mysterious loss of current on the curve leading to the fiddle yard. Somewhat lengthy investigations discovered that the sub base had moved and a distinctly uneven track level had come about. A rebuild and levelling was carried out and now, once again, trains run smoothly round the curve without problem. This meant the removal of the factory area, previously featured on 'Whatborough'. Fortunately none of it had been fixed down and no damage was caused by the removal. Once I and the locomotive crews were happy about the improved running qualities of the relaid curve, the factory unit was set up once more and this time the units fixed in place. A couple of photos follow so see what you think.

A general view of the factory area. the 'empty' site to the left is to be developed as and when - no firm decision has been made yet, but I have an almost cunning plan.... This will employ a currently pending Metcalfe kit - more later... The wiring will benefit from being tidied up by replacing the staples removed during track relaying.

This picture shows a rather restricted view of the walled cutting where the Pence Goods line commences the curve (mentioned above). The location makes access for the photographer extremely difficult.......:rolleyes:

A general view towards Pence East Loco shed and Goods depot from the military sidings. The small brick building appears to have a subsidence problem which I shall get the Royal Engineers in to sort out. Hopefully, I shall be able to introduce all forms of relevant activity there one day soon......

So there we are once again, fellow Thunderers. As I said, my future 00 projects are completely abandoned now - my existing one is extant and hopefully will provide me (certainly :thumbs:) and you (perhaps ;)) with future pleasure and entertainment.

Until next time, then

Roger :thumbs:
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Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
As the Autumn sets in, with a vengeance temperature wise, work in the outer reaches of the railway world situated variously in the garage and shed becomes less frequent. Pence East was due for some attention and having modest heating arrangements in the form of a small electric fire in the shed, I have recently been able to continue upgrading with a view to getting it fully working without problems, either of an electrical or track origin.

As noted above the troublesome curve to the fiddle yard has been successfully relaid but this , as is usual for me, revealed that the relaying had made the fiddle yard sector plate tracks slightly out of line and other than a rigid wheel-base such as an 0-6-0 trouble occurred with derailed bogies on locos,not to mention coaches and the odd wagon or two :rant:. Rectification work was duly undertaken and now, as they say in this part of the world "the job's a good 'un." :thumbs: This has been well tested by using Pence East as a test track for some US prototype diesels and freight cars which I had salted away and am now hopefully breathing life back in to with my upcoming winter project. Four and six-axle diesels and the ubiquitous bogie freight cars all now travel smoothly on and off the sector plate on to the running track, whether being pushed or pulled. As Professor Stanley Unwin would have said - deep joy :)!

On the scenic side, odd details here and there have been added. The factory is now properly bounded by a wall at the road side, whilst underway is the revision of the empty area to the left of the main factory area as seen in post #10 above. The rather grotesque end piece has been removed completely and a base unit, which will be a 'lift-out' unit, has been fabricated from foam-board upon which I shall kit-bash a Metcalfe low relief terraced house front kit to fit. It should all merge into the theme of the layout - after all, the factory and other ancillary workers all lived somewhere so it is only fair to give some indication of typical residences of the time, even on a small layout such as this. This all helps to complete the picture in my opinion.

As I have pointed out elsewhere, I have always modelled a generic scheme with my principle rule being to convey a reasonably realistic and plausible railway scene. That way there are many pitfalls that can be neatly side stepped without impinging on one's theme and, quite honestly, I have neither the skill or patience to make an accurate brick-by-brick small scale reproduction of any particular place or building. However I can only admire the superb skill and patience of those who can and do produce such models.
My apologies for the sermon.

Thus work continues slowly on Pence East. Personal reasons after some very logical thought have recently seen the departure of most of my British Railways decorated stock back in to the trade for someone else to play with. One particular item, inevitably a Fowler 4F 0-6-0 was retained and has been carefully back-dated to LMS livery. It retained the number Hornby bestowed on the original, but completely replaced without the extra '4'. ;)! My efforts are pictured below. To save the observations, the line of the numbering and lettering is a tad low on this side, but it is more accurate on the offside - unfortunately the camera battery went flat before I could get a picture of the loco's "best side" so kindly take my word for it, please..........:eek:


So with that partial success once more I bid you all farewell. I hope that there will be more news soon, undoubtedly from work carried out indoors in my den, of units for installation when circumstances permit. I hope to have the camera up to the mark next time, too - :D.

Cheers everybody,

Roger ;)
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Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
A further interim report on the very slow progress at Pence East. Circumstances of late have rather conspired against me, culminating in a rather disturbing health condition coming to light which has curtailed my activities even further. However, one must try to keep focused and keep things bright, as the lady said with the 'Brasso' polish and cloth :). Recent howling gales, driving rain and the many variations of the two have not made visits to the railway shed possible, and there has been plenty of that up here on the Fylde. Thus, although I have an 'up and running' system at Pence East, playing trains has been a bit on the back burner. But - and there is always a but :rolleyes: - I did manage to transfer the mini-project of a street scene indoors and have managed, at last to make some progress on it., albeit very gently. Here are a couple of pictures showing the state of play before work continues this afternoon.

The terraced house and corner shop are Metcalfe half relief kits, in various states of completion. The road surface is Noch cobbled sheeting. The shop and houses are loosely placed in what will be their actual positions. The end house on the right will butt against the factory boundary wall. The left hand side will be the boundary of the scenic area.


This angle shows the effectiveness of the cobbled roadway - takes me back to my boyhood and of certain roads in the district where my grandparents lived. The paved area will be extended, aligning the frontages. It may be of interest to some that the shop is a bit of a kit-bash in as much as it is provided as a double unit in the kit, but with a little manipulation and cutting, I am getting there slowly with a single unit instead which will be more appropriate in my view for this scene. Having said that, I am in the happy situation of having a further pair of shop fronts and a pair of terraced house fronts available for any further building expansion at Pence that may spring to mind.....;).

Other events here have involved the disposal of most of my other stock, originally acquired for schemes that I no longer feel that it would be wise to consider. Pence East is overstocked with locomotives and given that fact, I have decided that my modest indoor idea for this winter, having been most radically revised to the ultimate in simplicity in all respects, will remain in the Big Four era. I am lucky enough to have memories of the LMS and LNER, albeit from childhood and probably a little fuzzy in places - put that down to age :rolleyes: - but after all, Rule 1 will cover my sins of inaccuracy. My attitude may annoy pedants, of whom the hobby is not short, but I have never claimed to be a perfectionist. I'm just someone who enjoys Playing Trains.

More news and progress will follow, hopefully soon.

Roger :thumbs:.


Western Thunderer
Hi Roger @Roger Pound :)

Sorry to hear that the vicissitudes of our weather have kept you from operating, but wish I was in your enviable position to benefit from the option of enjoying one’s steeds in action :thumbs:

Sorry too to read that you have thinned out your stock; I’m sure they’ll bring much joy to somebody :)

Glad the weather hasn’t put paid to all modelling activities, and I have to say that there is already plenty of atmosphere in that diorama. The cobbles really look the part and having seen the quality of the Metcalfe range, I’m sincerely looking forward to Santa’s offerings at Christmas ;)

Forgive my ignorance, but I didn’t know that in reality the two giants of LNER and LMS would share a scene; plenty of potential there, I’m sure, Roger. I’m keen to see this as it would give worth to some little scenario I have planned involving cross border stuff, so to speak?

Then again, if somebody raises an eyebrow or two at the sight of a BR(S) loco alongside a BR(E), I’ll tell ‘em I’m just playing trains ;)

Keep it comin’, Roger!


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Forgive my ignorance, but I didn’t know that in reality the two giants of LNER and LMS would share a scene; plenty of potential there, I’m sure, Roger. I’m keen to see this as it would give worth to some little scenario I have planned involving cross border stuff, so to speak?
As close to you as Manchester, Jon - just one instance.


Roger Pound

Western Thunderer
Progress at Pence East is rather intermittent at the moment, to put it mildly. A procession of medical appointments have rather demolished my recent modelling schedule, but I am slowly progressing with my street diorama, having cured some warping cardboard backboard problems. It has been a useful lesson in experimenting with card in a freelance sort of way, learning what not to do in future thus avoiding the pitfalls that I met along the way this time. Suffice to say a somewhat indifferent back-scene is now in situ and now the completion of the corner shop and terraced houses remains - I hope to get it done by the months end before the next procession of booked appearances at various NHS establishments starts......... :eek: !

This is the first attempt at the scenic effect to hide the fiddle yard end of the layout. I happily admit that it is not that good - compared to some of the amazing work on this forum, it is rubbish - but I console myself with the fact that when in place it is edge on and barely visible and I can get away with it. Obviously much work remains and a considerable amount of 'slabbing' installing pavements. Hopefully, the flaws will be less obvious when it is finished, but there we are, that's how it is at present, warts and all :rolleyes:!

Well, folks, that's it for 2023 from me. May I wish you all a very pleasant Christmas, a successful New Year and last but not least my sincerest thanks for all of the support and interest so many of you have been kind enough to give to my efforts in our mutual hobby.

Roger ;).


Western Thunderer
A worthy exercise in perspective modelling, Roger, and much on which to train the eye in such a relatively small footprint :thumbs:

Interesting to read that a modeller of your experience is still learning as they go. Perhaps there’s hope for the rest of we younger modellers after all :)

Merry Christmas, Roger, and a Happy New year. Fingers crossed it presents you with a more favourable modelling window, free from the distractions mentioned in your post.



michael mott

Western Thunderer
A merry Christmas to you and your family too Roger, I hope your modelling time gets better for the new year and you maintain good health.