S7 Track templates?

Michael D

Western Thunderer
Good Morning to all,
After some time away, the enthusiasm is back to do some modelling especially after finally finishing some half finished wagons in the last few weeks...
I was looking for some s7 track templates online, cant find any??? coupled with the joys of MacBook especially with the Monterey operating systems vs Templot could I ask a favour??
Could somebody send me a printable file of a B6 Right hand and some plain track please. Or even a source that has them online - ( Would be a good addition to the S7 website?)
many thanks in advance


Bill Campbell

Western Thunderer
Hi Michael

Have you considered running Windows via Bootcamp on your MacBook if it has an Intel processor?

You would then be able to instal and run Templot for yourself - this works well for me on my Mac.

The reason for suggesting this is that printable files are dependent on the accuracy of the printer which is why Templot has a facility for calibrating the output to the user's printer.

Having said that - if you let me know the timbering you wish to use I could do a couple of templates for you.

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Michael D

Western Thunderer
Thanks Bill, Its memory space that I don't have for Bootcamp - long term I think a very cheap refurbished windows laptop is the answer, its just to have some templates to play around with for now....
good thinking though!

best Michael

Bill Campbell

Western Thunderer
Hi Michael

One of the first things I did with my Mac was to install more memory.

Some Templot templates attached as pdf files - I think the file names are self explanatory.



  • S7-60ft-track-panel-8ft6in-24-sleepers.pdf
    192.5 KB · Views: 32
  • S7-60ft-track-panel-9ft-24-sleepers.pdf
    192 KB · Views: 10
  • S7-B6-RH-8ft6in-timbers.pdf
    267.9 KB · Views: 17
  • S7-B6-RH-9ft-timbers.pdf
    267.4 KB · Views: 15


Western Thunderer
Would be a good addition to the S7 website?
Hi Michael

As S7 webmaster, your idea has considerable merit and I will contact Martin Wynne to establish if he is happy for that to be done.

The potential downside is that there is a huge potential range of timbering patterns, switch types, crossing angles etc. However, some form of generic L/R straight (e.g. A5, B6, B7, B8, B9, C10) library could be created. Although it would provide a quick-start option for S7 track building, it is the huge power of Templot to create templates of almost every conceivable configuration that is its great strength. From a curved single slip to a custom tandem turnout, the possibilities are endless so it rewards taking the trouble to learn the basics.

I'm also a MacBook user and used to run Templot via Crossover but, frankly, it became both expensive and a PITA. I still have my old Windows 7-powered laptop from the days before I saw the light and drag it out whenever I neeed to do some Templotting.

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Western Thunderer
I've had a reply from Martin

Sure. upload_2021-12-13_13-20-59.gif You can do anything you like with Templot output except claim your own copyright on it.

But thanks for asking.

Bear in mind that if you supply a library of PDF files from Templot, you lose the option to do a printer calibration for accurate printing.

If your members want some basic standard REA bullhead turnout templates, the better option is to print them directly from Templot. S7 is in the quick list on the gauge menu, so it is literally only a few clicks to print out some standard templates. Maybe post this video link on Western Thunder:

your first printed template



I'll create a S7 website library in due course. I suspect that any printer calibration errors will be very small and should be eliminated/mitigated by use of S7 gauges from the S7 Stores.
