Robs little hut


Western Thunderer
Some of you may have seen the thread posted by Steve Cook regarding GWR Plate Layer's Huts.
I recalled seeing a kit on ebay which appeared from time to time along with ones from other regions.
Having found it and posting on the thread i went back and had another look and found myself clicking the "buy it now" button, dont worry, others are available :).
Well the kit has now arrived, basically a set of lazer cut plywood parts to build up a 10mm model based on one located at Branches Fork sidings South Wales, well thats what it says in the instructions. The kit is produced by Woodbury Models who i must admit i have not heard of but then it's good to find something new as the missus says when entering yet another clothes shop :(.
Apparently the kit is suitable for beginners with some modelling experience, i figure if you have experience then you are no longer a beginner but i guess i know what they mean.
Anyway, here is the first piccys,


This first one shows the one side and the back attached to the floor, apparently the hole in the floor is there so you can put weather proofing after assembly however i have my own idea about that which i will describe as i go along, but the hole should be useful for those who want interior detail or lighting etc.


The same but from the outside, what looks rather strange on the side is actually lazer cut brick work as this is where the chimney will be, plus there are slots for locating the said chimney, clever stuff in what is nowadays a pretty cheap kit.
Although i do 1/32nd scale i don't think the fact it's 10mm is gonna jar too much.
Hopefully it will prove to be a quick and easy build, some light relief away from the Class 22,

cheers for now, Rob


Western Thunderer
And now with all four walls,

Note the recessed door, supplied as a separate part and perfick for leaving open or slightly ajar, whatever takes yer fancy, cheers Rob


Western Thunderer
Hi Steve, my computer skills do not run to links, however his ebay name is rockjewelsstudio. The GWR hut is item 370816575514. Amongst the rather bizarre jewellery on offer there is also a NER Lamp Room, a NER Plate layers Hut, a MR/LMS Lamp Room and a GCR Plate Layers Hut which looks really good, maybe you have the ability to post a link? cheers for now, Rob


Western Thunderer
Having let the aliphatic resin glue dry i have sanded the top edges on a flat surface so the roof will have a nice fit, then trial fitted the one and only window,

and here is the window on it's own, the lazer cutters work sure can make life easy,

not something i would enjoy scratch building i must admit, next the chimney :), cheers Rob


Western Thunderer
I havent come across a laser cut kit before, are the plank gaps half-lasered (if thats the right expression) like an etch?


Western Thunderer
Yes thats basically it, i first came across it in 16mm narrow gauge kits and it really did mimic a brass etch except it was wood, even down to a few tabs that you broke through with a craft knife to separate the parts.
This is the first lazer kit i have encountered in G1 and all the parts are separate with no sign of them being cut out of a sheet of plywood, maybe the technology has moved on a bit. Certainly all the lazer kits i have encountered are a massive improvement on the old ply and softwood kits you usually found a few years ago, a few bits of rough ply and some softwood from the propeller wood tree, times are a changing, cheers Rob


Western Thunderer
Just a quick one as i have been tied up with other things before going to work. I have exchanged messages with "rockjewelsstudio" and it appears that she is the lady friend of the proprietor, hence the jewellery i suppose.
There is a website, with much more on it including a GWR Fogmans hut and a SR "concrete" PW Hut being developed. As he will be at the G1MRA expo at the Fosse 15/16 of June i had better take my wallet with me :(, cheers Rob

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
That looks a neat little kit. It's good to see technology being used in this way.

Incidentally, it's laser with an "s". The term is an acronym, derived from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. My inner pedant wouldn't be happy until I pointed that out. :oops:


Western Thunderer
Thanks Heather, from now on I will refer to 'laser' and leave the 'lazers' to the Daleks, cheers Rob

Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
What else pleases he/she/it ?

Apostrophes in the right places. Correctly spelling "definitely". Don't dare mention the "there/their/they're" or "you're/your" issues... There's a nice padded room I keep IP in most of the time I'm around the internet, otherwise I'd never get anything constructive done. :))


Apostrophes in the right places. Correctly spelling "definitely". Don't dare mention the "there/their/they're" or "you're/your" issues... There's a nice padded room I keep IP in most of the time I'm around the internet, otherwise I'd never get anything constructive done. :))

Well...I would never of thought so....

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
Nice looking kit and assembly Rob, I need to stop meddling with slot car kits and finish drawing up the plans for my own hut :oops:

As he will be at the G1MRA expo at the Fosse 15/16 of June i had better take my wallet with me
See you there, bring the hut :)
