Ressaldar's not-so modern image workbench


Western Thunderer
Having ordered one when they were first announced, I did not have the heart to cancel it after all this time


and having installed a Zimo MS440C sound decoder (speaker already installed) and changed it's number, thoughts turned to how to display it. I decided that rather than change everything yet again, I would just build a diorama for my den 750 x 300 and at that size, it should not upset the management too much.

Having built the Rail Model Helston signal box, I checked on their website and chose the Helston engine shed, studied a few photos in the Oakwood 'Helston Branch' book as well as a few on Flickr, I worked out that the shed, coaling stage (one of them) and the water tower could fit neatly onto the chosen baseboard size. The water tower was ordered from Skytrex and the coaling stage will be scratch built.

So here we are after a week on and off the bench,



not without the usual trials and tribulations but getting there. The main wall overlays had a problem and hopefully, the postman will be delivering the replacements tomorrow, It is of sandwich construction with the glazing trapped between the layers and the window frames spray painted white before installation. The inner walls and the roof trusses were also spray painted white primer before installation and then dirtied with a couple of wash coats of Tamyia 'Smoke' the louvre blades were left unpainted but had the 'Smoke' treatment after installation. The roof panels will be left until the main wall overlays have been affixed.

In the main, the fit of the stone overlay to the brick overlays is quite good but there are instances of slight gaps and I think that I will run diluted Squadron Putty or the like in the joints and then mask off the windows before spraying the walls and then picking out individual stones. I have been given a coloured photograph of the restored Helston Goods Shed which I will use as a guide but ignore the white brick corner detailing as I have another picture taken just after closure showing that the brickwork was in fact red.

More to come next week.




Western Thunderer
Things are moving on slowly, the replacement wall panels arrived on Saturday but one of them is still wrong so a further replacement has been requested.

With the roof structure done, I have prepared the roof panels ready for white priming (once the leading edge at the ridge has been chamfered to create a better fit) on the underside and once dried, they will also be 'smoked',. Here the panels are just resting in place for the photos. Barge boards, gutters, downpipes etc to follow.
Here the acceptable side overlay has been glued in place and once the opposite side arrives and fixed, the roof will be masked off together with the outside face of the windows and the whole of the outside will be grey primed ready for top coat finishing.

The small Prairie, crying out for some weathering, sits alongside the coaling stage mock up - dimensions worked out by counting the blockwork from which is was constructed. This one and another built on the station side of the water tower and an ash platform which was opposite the modelled one, seem to be of relatively 'modern - 1930s ?' construction and I have assumed the dimensions of 18" x 9" x9" and checking with photographs (rarer than hens teeth) it would appear to be in the right ball park. The surface finish would appear to be concrete - not quite 'fair faced'.
In the same time frame, I could not resist trying it out for size! The door is just resting against the opening while I ponder how to make the strap hinges - 3D printed would seem to be the obvious answer.

This is the first idea 'mock up' wise so there might be minor alterations there was an ash pit opposite the second coaling stage but that will remain 'off stage left'.

more to come.

