Nick Dunhill's Workshop - Royal Scot from a JLTRT kit

Nick Dunhill

Western Thunderer

This one, but with lion-on-wheel tender emblem. 9A Longsight, wonder if it ever went to Sheffield?

Well this is going to be another easy build, if the progress with the tender is anything to go by. I just followed the sketchy instructions and ended up with a basic tender. All the etches are good so far, you need to be super accurate with forming and fabrication to get a nice square body. The castings are ok so far, the covers for the scoop and brake mechanism on the footplate are a mile out, but I can easily make some that fit.





The fold at the top of an LMS tender side is always awkward, in a death-or-glory sort of way. On the other hand they're miles less faff than GWR tender corners.

Nick Dunhill

Western Thunderer
Mickoo spotted that the water filler cap on the tender rear was wrong, and sent me a 3D correct one, but as far as I can work out, the tender is nearly finished. It needs the brake stuff and buffer beam pipes fitting up. There was a sprue of castings missing, which left me with the ball-ache of having to make replacements, but since the sad demise of JLTRT I'm going to have to suck it up.


For the record the white metal castings for the fire-iron tunnel are a bit ACE-ish, and blind at the front entrance. I used the rear part and made a new front bit, although they'll be covered in coal eventually!


The client supplied some AGH wheels, and I thought some basic compensation would be appropriate.



The chassis is really quite a highly detailled thing, and there's still the brake gear to go.


All good so far. Just the brakes to go, oh, and the vac and steam pipes on the buffer beam. There are no pipes in the kit!

More pics here: nick dunhill


Western Thunderer
Nick, we are always happy to supply castings to those in need......

You do indeed :thumbs:

Do you have any for a Princess Royal (6200/6201) expansion link bracket? I suspect not in which case I'll be making some 3D cosmetic ones, you're welcome to them as masters.

Apologies for the diversion.


Western Thunderer
You do indeed :thumbs:

Do you have any for a Princess Royal (6200/6201) expansion link bracket? I suspect not in which case I'll be making some 3D cosmetic ones, you're welcome to them as masters.

Apologies for the diversion.
Sorry: not for the first two.


Western Thunderer
Hello Nick,

what's the bike in the photo stream? It looks like a Triumph twin motor but the rest of it?

Nice looking build such a shame that we lost JLTRT/MM1 R.I.P. Laurie.

