NER G class in P4


Western Thunderer
I have mislaid the D profile brass wire so progrees slowed
Just replace it with 0.7 wire - bend it to shape and, once formed, solder it to a piece of copper clad and file it flat. Flip it over and repeat. Aim for 0.3 or 0.4mm thickness - whatever the kit is etched in.

Those cab-side window frames are going to need some reducing...

What's the kit's plan for the three "steps" up in diameter at the rear of the smokebox?

Paul Cram

Western Thunderer
The D profile wire provides the brass collar between boiler and smoke box and then there is a wrapper that covers the support pices and the front edge of the brasss ring.


Western Thunderer
Sorry - when you said "D profile" I thought you were talking about the splasher beading. Ignore the advice to flatten!

Sounds like the smokebox may or may not need an extra layer of 5 thou on top of the wrapper supplied in the kit. Most NER locos have three layers, but some have only 2 - or seem to.